everything about your dogs

what is a good breed of dog to be able to take running with me?

Well, I take my cocker spaniel running with me and it works out great! We've done 5-10Ks and done very well!

I had a Golden Retriever as a running partner for two years, and that worked out well too.

I guess in short almost any dog will work as a running partner, but the longer the legs the better :). I'd try finding something that will fit into other aspects of your lifestyle too. A border collie, for example, would be a great running dog, but if you don't provide it some sort of doggie intellectual outlet (like advanced obedience, agility, etc.) it will, more likely than not, not be a happy camper.

Good luck!
Probably a larger breed, with alot of energy. LIke a Lab, Boxer, or Border Collie.
Blue Healer, Lab, Grey Hound, those are all good energetic dogs.
Labs wouldn't be the best choice as they are prone to Hip and elbow dysplasia which is Very painful and using them as a running companion may only raise that risk.
Broader Collies, German Shepards, Whippits and huskeys are all great choices.

Hopes this helps!

Be cautious if you choose a Border Collie. They have lots of energy and will be excited to run with you. But they don't have a lot of common sense when it comes to their own well being. They will run until they're dehydrated and their feet are bleeding. Just something to be aware of. But if you are an outdoor kind of person, in addition to being a runner, they are a great choice.
