everything about your dogs

What is a good name for a dog?

my sister is getting a dog for cristmas and my mom said it would be good if it ended with the sound eeee

I work for a pet insurance company and i hear hundreds of dog names all day and most are very common or plain. I really like the name Wrigley its diffrent and its where my Chicago Cubs play. GO CUBS
Maggie, that's my Black Labs name!!
How about Woofy??
why don't you let your sister name it?

Sadie for a girl dog, Brady for a boy dog.
opie? my dogs name is mabel, i think it suits her well. cause its kinda like an old ladys name and i have a pug and they have all the wrinkles and such on their face and yeaaag
Boy - Robby
Girl - Lindsay
If it is a male, name him Harley. If it is a female, name her Lucy Lu.
I agree with another answerer here, let your sister name her own dog.
I have always felt it is best to name a dog something other than a human name. A dog named George or Susan seems foolish, whereas a dog named Jumpy or Whiskers seems more appropriate
I guess it depends on what kind of dog..if the dog is a ' black lab;, I wouls name it " turbo' or 'blondie it its yellow lab, if its a dalmation dog, " black jack' is a cute dog name good luck!
What about Dinky? or Lucky? or Sparky? or Pinky?
if the dog is for ur sister, then she should name it. just spend time with the animal and it will name itself for u with its actions and responses to ur voice and behavior.
how about sparky_{sparkeee}
Rudy short for Rudolph
If its your sisters dog let her name it. It should not be your decision what the name of HER dog is. If she wants to name it something stupid let her, the dog is hers.
If he had not back legs and big brass balls you could call him sparky
It doesn't make too much of a difference if it ends in an e sound, it will just help the dog learn his or her name faster. There are other ways of Helping the dog learn it's name, try saying it's name, and everytime you say it give it a piece of dog food (small piece) and soon enough your dog will come running!

As for names I've always liked

Boys- Buster, Spirit, Max or Maxy, Sparky, Buddy, Bruno and Jake

Girls- Maxine, Holly, Abbie, Bella, and Lady

do the advanced search :) it works!
shot in the dark but..
*Ali *Annie
*Carie *Lillie
*Fredie *Rosie
*Bobie *Clairie
*Rialy *Candy
*Brandie *Sofie .hope I helped!
name it eeee-eeee
Best name for a dog rescued from a shelter would be, in my opinion, Mercy.
Female:Buffy, Fluffy
Male:Lucky, Mickie
I hope these names help!
