everything about your dogs

If you sat on a picnic table, what would your dog do?

It's been a long crazy weekend. I spend several hours today working with the dogs of Wayside Waifs and Blue Moon Akita Rescue. Since I did not take my assistant Jade with me, I owed her a trip to the lake. I've worked hard to make Jade my "everywhere" dog. A dog that I can take in public, to the park, on consults and even to large scale dog playgroups. As we hit our spot at Smithville, a storm rolled in and the temperature dropped 15 degrees. It was beautiful.

I've worked hard over the past 18 months to create a solid relationship with Jade.  I set defined rules and structure in the house and away.  She will tighten up her distance to me to a nice heel (our's is friendlier "Follow me") or with a simple okay she happily bounds 30 feet away.  While I don't give much faith to the whole pack leader or alpha role, I do make sure I maintain control at all times with Jade.  Our normal routine at the lake is, I walk and Jade follows, either behind or ahead, 30 or so feet away. For me following is not something a dog has to do behind me. I sat down watched the storm move in and I let Jade wander 30, 60 and then about 100 feet away. She turned and checked in at 30 foot intervals and I just glanced up giving her some occasional eye contact.
 After about 5 minutes, she returned to the me and got on the bench. I gave her a quick "good girl" and she was off again. Eventually, you have to rely on the relationship and trust you and your dog have built up over time.  I spent about 45 minutes on the picnic table, just watching Jade go out in to the field, into the woods (I did call her back from there) and back to me.  I waited until she was several hundred feet away and appeared to be going back to visit the fisherman, who  appeared much more fun than me at the time. I just stood up, and started back to the truck. I did not say a word and waited until her back was turned. I just started walking. About 3 minutes later, Jade was by my side walking in her spot and we returned to the truck. What's the point of this blog?  There is so much talk now on quick training by Sit means Sit, talk of being a pack leader, creating a calm submissive dog and becoming alpha I think we lose sight that dog ownership should be fun.  Jade has a numerous commands/words that allow us to maintain control and give her an idea of what we want:
Sit (0-100 feet away)
Down (0-30 feet away)
Funny noise that is a "no reward" marker
Leave it
Paws Up
Drop it
Get it
Get your bone
Play and Enough
Follow me (Heel)
Shake (my wife's idea)

Instead of telling her "No", which is not on the list, we tell her what we want her to do at the time.

So, what would your dog do if you just sat on a picnic bench?
