everything about your dogs

Double Grooming

Most Saturday's go fairly smoothly.
Most Saturday's are full of regulars.
I love a day full of regulars.
The grooms are so easy when the dogs come in every 4-6 weeks.

No surprises that come with some new dogs.
You know the kind...
"Yes, I would like to make an appointment for my little Shih-Tzu."
Then, the said 'little' Shih-Tzu walks in your door.
That little Shih-Tzu is 35 pounds and matted to the skin.
I try not to take new dogs on a Saturday.

Yesterday was pretty calm and we made great time.
Because we were making good time, and because we were having company today, we did something we rarely do.

We decided to bath all of our dogs too, after all of the regular grooms were done.

I should correct that.

I decided we should bathe all of our dogs.
My son and daughter were not thrilled.
We usually bathe or groom two or three of our dogs each Saturday.

Grooming my crew is like starting your grooming day all over again.

This is 'Joey'.
He literally just walked into our shop one day.
He was skin and bones.
My son fell in love with him.
Now they are inseparable.
We think he is around 3-4years old.

This is 'Sparkle'.
She is around 8 years old.
She was my dog at one time, but she has now attached herself to my youngest son.
They are partners in crime.

This is our 'Annie'.
We rescued her from the shelter.
She is a sweet, shy girl.
She is everybody's dog.

This is 'Lily'.
She is my girl.
A costumer of mine called 6 years ago and asked me if I would clip clean feet and clean faces on her 9, six week old puppies.

Only 8 went home. :)

She is such a loving sweet dog.
She has a great coat to scissor.
She is great to compete with.

There is only one problem.

She WILL NOT let the Judges touch her.
Oh well.

This is my girl, 'Hanna'.
She was my first St. Poodle.
Yes, I am ashamed to say, she is my favorite.
I love all of my dogs, but she is my girl.

This is 'Peanut'.
He is my little tuff nut.
He is my protector.
He is 'Lily's' play buddy.
He is a big dog in a little body.
He  sleeps above my head every night, on his own pillow.

These two are my daughters Bichons.
'Bentley' & 'Zoey'.
They are her babies.

This is 'Abby'.
She is my girl.
'Abby' spent the first 6 years of her life living in cage having puppies before I rescued her 3 years ago.
She is very attached to me.
She is asleep in her bed, next to my computer, right now and every night.

"Abby' is a Therapy Dog along with 'Joey' and 'Hanna', for Pets on Wheels.
We go to nursing homes to visit and help cheer people up.

'Abby' got her bath last Saturday.

So, to say the lest, just giving this crew a bath is worth half a day of grooming.
Hair cuts are a whole different matter. :)

Happy Grooming, MFF
