everything about your dogs

Happy Thanksgiving

Only half a day of grooming today.
Home to start cooking for a house full of people tomorrow.

Finished the apple pie.

 Well sort of an apple pie.
I like to change things up and make up my own recipes.
This is a deep dish cinnamon apple pie with chunks of crust and cinnamon butter on top.

For the first time ever I decided to Brine my turkey.
I have never done this before, because my turkey was always frozen.
This year I had to get a fresh turkey because I went to the store too late for a frozen turkey to thaw.

Well lets just say, I screwed that up from the very start.
I forgot to estimate the time it would take for the brine to cool down to room temperature after I cooked it and before I could submerge the turkey.
So my turkey will Brine for only 12 hours instead of 16 hours.
Oh well, we'll see how it turns out.

I also finished preparing the fixings for my sausage dressing tonight.

The flavors will set over night and I will add the bread and cornbread tomorrow morning.

While waiting for the sausage, carrots, onions and celery cook, I decided to be really bad and...

..throw some chocolate chip cookies in the oven.
These were the cheat roll from the grocery store.
The roll only makes about 2 dozen, but that is enough to keep my kids and husband happy tomorrow morning while I am too busy to make breakfast.
Who's going to complain about chocolate chip cookies for breakfast.
Bad Mommy!
They are not as good as home made, but they will do.

Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow American groomers!

Next comes the crazy Christmas grooming rush.
We are booked until the first week of January, so answering the phone for the next few weeks will be a nightmare.
No time to worry about that now.
We have tomorrow and Friday off. :)

Happy Grooming, MFF
