everything about your dogs

Third time's the charm

I just don't get it.
Why do people buy long hair, double coated breeds, only to shave all of their hair off?
I know, I have talked about this before.
It is one of my pet peeves.

This is 'Annie'.

Isn't she pretty.

If she were mine, I would never cut her hair.
But, that's me, and she is not mine, and her owners are paying me to cut her hair.

This is only the third time that I have groomed 'Annie'.
Her owners brought her to me, because they wanted her "short but not shaved."
Apparently, everyone they took her to would shave her.
So, the first time they brought her in, we talked about the damage that had already been done to the coat from shaving.
After talking awhile, I was sure that I knew what they wanted.

Scissor 1/2 off, leave hair around ears so that she would still have the Papillion look, leave the tail.

The owners were very happy when they pick her up.

Three months later.
They brought 'Annie' in again.
They said they loved her cut, but wanted her a little shorter.
Okay...I took a little more than half off that time.
Husband picked her up and said she looked great.

Fast forward to today.
Husband brings 'Annie' in again.
He says they love the cut, but it was not short enough last time.
His wife cut on her more after he took her home.

So, I am looking at this dog and thinking, 'if I take her any shorter, she will look shaved.' 
But, they want her shorter.

I still did not want to use a blade on her because of the coat damage.
You can still see blade marks under the long hair from the times she had been shaved.

It does not show very well in these pictures, but her coat is thick undercoat in some places and very thinned out and sparse in other places.

If I take her too close, she will have a chopped-up look.

The old blade marks will show.

The length they want sounds like a #4.

So, I started to scissor, to see how close I could get her to a #4F length without showing the damaged coat and blade marks.

It does not show up very well, but this is a picture of just one of the spots where the coat was sparse and choppy.

There are also old blade marks. 

While I was scissoring 'Annie', I was thinking, 'she looks shaved...she looks shaved'.

It does not usually take me three times to get a cut right on a dog.
I guess everyone's idea of a shave down is different.
All I can think is that other groomers must have been clipping her with a #10 blade, if a #4F length looks longer to the owners.

This is how she looked when I finished her.

Hand scissor to a #4F length, leave hair around ears, and leave the tail.

I tried to smooth her out as best I could without using a blade on her.
Then I waited for her Mom to pick her up.
I was hoping it would be the Mom, since she is the finial judge.

'Annie's' Mom did pick her up.
I finally got her right.
Her Mom loved her.

If you ask me, she looks shaved.
I don't like it.
Sorry, I just don't like it.
It makes me want to cry.
Well, not really.
I just don't like it.
Said that already didn't I?

Oh well...
I still think she is a cutie pie.

I still don't understand it.
Next time, get a Chihuahua.

A short hair one that is. :)

Happy Grooming, MFF
