everything about your dogs

Tuesdays Tip

I thought it would be fun to post some grooming tips every Tuesday.
Or, at least as long as I can think of some.
I hope the tips that I blog will help somebody.
I am sure most seasoned groomers will already know a lot of the tricks I have learned over the years.
I'll be happy if my tips help just one person.
I wish the internet had been around when I started grooming.
I would have loved reading other groomers tips.
Oh yeah, there weren't any personal computers when I started grooming.
No cell phones.
No TV remotes.
No HV dryers.
No cordless phones.
Gas was .89 cents a gallon!
OMG, I better stop!
I feel soooo old.

Let's see...what should my first tip be?

Clipping under docked tails.
Don't you just love trying to clip under those docked tails?
Some tails are docked so short that you can hardly get a hold of them, much less lift them up long enough to clip.

This is what I do, and it works about 95% of the time.

They always seem to know when you are getting ready to try to clip their tail.
In the picture above I am clipping between her legs and getting ready to clip under the tail.
Could she possibly press her tail any tighter to her body?

This is my tip and what works for me.

First, I reach my arm under the dog between the front and back legs.
Then I bring my hand over and down, and I gently grab the end of the tail.
I get a hold of the bottom of the tail with my fingers and then, very slowly, start to left the tail away from the body.
My arm, under the dogs belly, keeps the dog from sitting down.
A side tip: I have found that lifting the tail very slowly, giving the tail a chance to unlock and relax, helps the dog not to freak out and pull away.
I also talk to the dogs A LOT!
Always telling the dogs that they are okay.

After I have the tail up, and the dog is still, I very gently skim the blade around the rectum and up under the tail.
I never use pressure around the rectum or under the tail.
I use a #15 and very carefully clip, while barely touching the skin.
I also have no problem telling owners when I am unable to clip the hair under a docked tail.
I just tell them that I would rather be safe then sorry if their dog fights it too much.
I also tell the owner that I will continue to try each time their dog comes in, till he or she trusts me.

In this picture, I have not clipped the top of the tail yet.
I forgot to get a after picture while I was still holding up the tail.
This is the best after picture that I have.

I hope this tip helps.
If it did, please check the helpful box below.
It would feel wonderful to know that I helped someone. :)

Happy Grooming, MFF
