everything about your dogs

Hairy Dogs

Yes, I know dogs are hairy, but there are some days when they come in with too much hair.
Three of my dogs today were really hairy dogs, and they just kept getting bigger and bigger.

This little girl was loaded with that ugly peach fuzz all over.
Her Dad wanted her hair cut, but he still wanted her to look like a long haired Dachshund.
I am not going to show her after picture today.
I will blog another time to show what I did with her.

This guy was one of my other hairy guys for the day.
He also has a sister with about the same amount of hair.
My daughter grooms her.

One of these days I am going to remember to bring my video camera in on the day that these two come in.
This Cocker and his sister LOVE coming in to see us.
They push their way out of their owners car, and drag him to the door.
When they see me they trip all over each other trying to get to me.
They are some of the sweetest, friendliest Cocker's we groom.
They don't give their owner a second look once they see me, and they run into the grooming room and jump up right into the kennel.
Their Dad just laughs and shakes his head.
"I can't believe how much they love coming here." he says every time.

It really feels good when dogs come in all happy to see you.
I want to video tape them so I can play the tape for all of the customers who come in and make comments about how the dogs hate coming in.
I could turn and click my video on and say, "well, some dogs really love to come see us."  :)

I love scissoring him.
He has great hair to scissor.
Best of all, he stands when I want him to stand, and turns when I ask him to.
He doesn't mind anything.
He is a really good dog.
His owners are nice too.
He just has A LOT of hair!

My last hairy mess of the day?

He was in four weeks ago.

I wrote about him.  

The husband gave me the wrong instructions.

Now he is back two weeks early for a hair cut.

Who the heck am I talking about?

Remember him?
The worlds largest Goldendoodle!

His Mom has been trying to keep him brushed out.
She does a pretty good job, but today he was matted.
Not matted enough to justify clipping down short.
There was enough mat to take an hour to completly comb him out.
He had some mats on his side around the tuck-up area, around the neck, chest, and here and there on his legs.
His hair is like thick cotton.

He has those kind of knots that glide through the teeth of your comb.
Those kind of knots that the brush breaks up nice enough, but they stay in the hair.

You have to pick them out with your fingers because the comb just won't grab them.
You comb ,comb, and comb again and they just keep appearing.

His Mom wanted me to scissor 1/2 of his hair off.

He was tired
I am tired.

We are supposed to get 1-5 inches of snow tonight.
Don't you love the weather people.
1-5 inches!
That's the best prediction they can make.
The more computers and radars they have, the worst they tell the weather.
Half of my appointments for tomorrow called today saying they would not be in if we got a lot of snow.

We will see.
I may be home early tomorrow.

Happy Grooming, MFF
