everything about your dogs

He Came Back!

Nine months later!

I wrote about this guy in the  

This was him in May of last year.

This was him today.

Three months shy of a year.

I think it is safe to say that he has not been groomed since I groomed him last.

What a shame.

I can't even begin to tell you how this dog smelled.
Don't you wish this blog had smell-o-vision?  :)

My son spent around 45 minutes bathing him.

I should have taken a picture of my son.
He wore an apron for the first time ever since he has been bathing dogs.

He ran out the bathing room door every time the dog started to shake dirty soap and water all over.

He did an amazing job getting this dog clean.

 He also did a wonderful job dealing with a dog that was, although nice, an  un-neutered male Terrier that could not stand still to save his life.

This Airedale actually smelled good, no musky left over un-neutered, male urine smell at all, or any of the other mystery smells that were coming off this dog before his bath.
Good job Nick!

This guy really cleans up nice.

I would want him this way all of the time if he were mine.

I guess he is just going to be a once a year groom.

We have been getting a lot of matted dogs in already, and it is only mid-February.

Well, at least that guy was feeling good when he left my shop.
That is what I am here for.  :)

Happy Grooming, MFF
