everything about your dogs

Just Playing

I have been working on a Creative Entry for Groom Expo in Hershey, in September.


My daughter says that my Standard, 'Hanna', looks like she has mange.

She's right.

Yes, Jess, I agreed with you.  :-)
Without color she looks like a dog with a really bad chop job.

I don't usually cut her hair this far ahead of the competition, but last year I waited too long and messed up the cut.
It was too late to let her grow back out and start all over.

Well, I have set most of the pattern, but I am still playing around with some ideas.
I know that I want to do some flowers, but I am playing around with different looks.

The problem is, getting the hair to look like my drawings.  :-/

A blob of hair.

Where to start.

I decided to tie up the hair I want to use.

Then I scissored away the hair I didn't want.

What to do next...


I used my blow pens to give me an idea of what the leaves would look like.

They do look like leaves..right?


A little bit?

There would be much more detail for the competition.

Let's see, what's next?

Let's see..how to make this hair look like a flower.

I can see it in my minds eye.

Why can't I get it to look the way my mind sees it?

 That's a little better.

It's getting there.

I think.

I hope.

Well, its a start.

It's too big for what I plan to do.

I'll have to work on it some more.

I want there to be a lot more detail.

I want it to pop.

I want it to look pretty without being gaudy.

And, I can't spend too much time on it.

You only get 2 hours and 45 minutes for the hands on grooming.

It goes by so fast.

Every year my son and daughter remind me that I said I was not going to compete in Creative again.
They are rolling their eyes at me.

There is so much to do.

My background.

The presentation.

Did I say that I really hate that part of the competition?

 I really hate that part!

You don't have to do a presentation.
But just about everyone does.

Some people put on little skits.
Not me.

Some people tell stories.
Maybe, I'll think about it.

Some people read poems.
Been there, done that, and humiliated myself.

Some people sing.
OMG, not in this lifetime!!

I know what I want for my background.
I just have to figure out how to do it.

I know what I want for my props.
I just have to make them, and paint them, or maybe just buy them.

I know what I (don't) want to do for my presentation.
But I am having writers block!

Can you believe that?
Every time I go to work on the presentation, I go blank.

Not panicking..... yet.

Maybe just a little.  :-)

There is still plenty of time to change my mind about competing. :-p

Happy Grooming, MFF
