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Legislation introduced that would ban pit bulls in the State of Michigan

Pit bull ambassadors, it's time to take action.
State House Rep. Tim Bledsoe, D-Grosse Pointe, has introduced House Bill No. 4714 to ban pit bulls statewide.
The gist of the legislation is this: One year after legislation is passed and takes effect, it would be illegal to breed or sell a pit bull in Michigan. Four years after it takes effect, it would be illegal to own a non-sterilized pit bull. Ten years after, it would be illegal to own or possess a pit bull in the state.
Bull Terriers are not included, but American Pit Bull Terriers (APBTs), American Staffordshire Bull Terriers (Amstaffs) and Staffordshire Bull Terriers (Staffies) are.
Here are your need-to-know links:
Contact Tim Bledsoe
Read the legislation
Join Punish the Deed, Not the Breed - Fight MI House bill 4714
Best Friends' Animal Society Action Alert

Last but not least, here's what I have to say about this:
