everything about your dogs

Ego Dogs

There's much to be learned about the ego from dogs.  I wonder if dogs haven't been created just for that purpose - to be THE teachers about ego...?
When considering issues of behavior and our relationship with our dog, one mirrors or reflects the other.
If your dog is out of control, chances are your own ego is too.  If your ego is outta control, chances are your dog is too...

Now for the 'stumble-uponner', ego here is not a reference to arrogance or conceitedness, it is simply the part of the mind that is not spirit.
There has to be genuine willingness to explore the causes and roots of these issues in order to achieve real, lasting results.
The effort it takes to get your dog to a balanced state of control, when done correctly, will also balance your ego.
When done incorrectly, it will only  cause more confusion and greater frustration.I don't know if anyone is a big enough fan/follower of Cesar Milan to notice that he has quite naturally drifted into being a "speaker" for awareness, for people!  Not dog training!  People....  Because as I've noticed and said all along, Cesar's Way (no pun intended *that's the name of one of his books*)  of "rehabilitating dogs, training people" is pure awareness teaching!  I don't think even he realized that until recent years.  But he's done it for so long now that its painfully obvious - you can't "train" your dog to be something you yourself are not.  What you want your dog to be is in DIRECT correlation to who you are, how you think, how you behave, how you re-act.... That's who your dog becomes.  Cesar calls it "dog psychology".  And he's precisely correct.  Your dog begins to develop it's own order, its own way of life... Based on how she thinks she needs to behave in order to survive your ignorance!
This is exactly the relationship scenario between the mind and the soul of humanity.  The ego and the awareness... one is clueless so the other takes over and leads/controls life.  
That's not how its supposed to be.
A lot of times (most of the time!) this disorder amounts to "bad behavior" on the part of your dog.  And this is because the communication gap is ginormous!  You are speaking two different languages.
But the clincher here is that you don't even realize that your dog has a language and is speaking at all!  
Observe your dog.
Listen to your dog.
See yourself...
If you need help, call a professional (me)!
