everything about your dogs

Basic Etiquette on Tipping Your Pet Groomer 2.0: Cats

Basic Etiquette on Tipping Your Pet Groomer has been my most popular blog by far.  This is very encouraging to us groomers!

In 2.0 I'd like to add a few words about Cat groomers. 
Not just any groomer will deal with Cats.  It is much more challenging than dealing with dogs, on every level.  So if you find anyone period who grooms Cats - they've already scored their tip! 
Of course all the usual criteria apply - Was your Cat treated well, was your Cat injured during the process, does your Cat look like you wanted it to...?  

Having mentioned this list, one should understand that Cats listen to NO ONE.  And they have no real filter when it comes to expressing their emotions, especially pissed-offedness!  
It is downright dangerous to groom a Cat.  Because they can and will hurt you much more easily, and because they resist in such a wiley, catlike way, it is much easier to hurt them when doing haircuts
If a dog accidentally gets nicked with the clippers during a groom, its not a good thing but its usually not really a big deal either.  A Cat on the other hand has skin like rice paper.  Its thin, cuts very easily, and once it is cut will continue to split like a ripe watermelon!  So haircuts are exceptionally challenging for Cats.
The bathing process is much more dangerous for the groomer.  Cats are tuff as nails and really aren't easily hurt as far as the restraining process.  But their claws and teeth are used like the weapons of a ninja when they're upset.  A Cat bite is the worst!!!  A Cat bite is the only serious bite I've ever gotten in 12 years of grooming.  And it was a sweet Cat, during its bath....

So... If you find a Cat groomer, and you get a good vibe from them, TIP GENEROUSLY!  If your Cat has not been injured, the groomer deserves that tip!  If your Cat got a bath and actually got dried, the groomer deserves a bigger  tip!  If your Cat got a haircut that actually looks good, the groomer deserves a very large tip!

Much respect to all the Cat groomers.  And many thanks to those pet parents who "get it" and show their appreciation with generous tips.  We thank you!!!
