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How to Stop a Puppy From Eating the Other Dog's Fur

How to Stop a Puppy From Eating the Other Dog's Fur

"It's like my mother always said. Curiosity killed the dog." Sassy, the feline heroine in Disney's "Homeward Bound" may have been trying to insult her canine companions, but her observation about a dog's curiosity was right on the mark. Puppies especially are curious creatures, and they explore their world with their mouths. Pica, a condition that drives dogs to eat things that aren't food, including rocks, carpet or even other dogs' fur, is often normal puppy behavior. It can also be caused by health problems, or can turn into a compulsive behavior. Ingested items may be harmful to your puppy's health so you should take steps to stop your puppy from ingesting fur as quickly as possible.



    Take your puppy to the veterinarian to rule out any health problems that might be causing it to eat other dogs' fur. For adult dogs, pica can be the result of a lack of nutrients in the diet. The same can be true for a puppy, so have a vet give your puppy a checkup, just in case.


    Remove as much of other dogs' fur as possible from your home. Vacuum frequently to keep loose fur to a minimum and to reduce your puppy's access to it.


    Interrupt your puppy with a sharp "no" or loud noise every time you catch it eating fur. Manually remove the fur from your puppy's mouth if necessary. Reward your puppy with praise and an edible puppy treat if it responds to your interruption.


    Offer your puppy something in exchange for the fur. Give it kibble, treats, chew toys or bones that are more acceptable for chewing and eating and won't harm your puppy's digestive system.


    Reduce the number of rewards you give your puppy after interruptions. Your puppy will gradually learn what it is allowed to eat or chew on and what it is not. Always reward it with praise, even after you stop using treats.


    Avoid punishing your puppy for eating fur. Because this is an instinctive behavior, it will only cause confusion and fear. Use the above steps to teach your puppy what is acceptable to eat.

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