everything about your dogs

Tuesdays Tip #53....Quick Blade Clean

This tip is probably more helpful for new groomers.

Have you ever been clipping a dog and suddenly you are getting an uneven clip, or your blade stops cutting?

More than likely your blades teeth are clogged up with hair.

Even this little bit of hair will cause the blade not to give a nice smooth cut.

 For a quick clean up of your blade, have a tooth brush handy.

The brush that I have pictured is a denture tooth brush that I got at the dollar store.

I like it for the large and smaller pointy brush.

That little rubber pick on the bottom comes in handy too sometimes.


Make sure that you only brush the hair out of the teeth in one direction...away from the cutting teeth under the guide teeth.

If you brush the other direction, the bristles on the brush will get caught up in the cutting teeth and could cause the cutting blade to dull.

Make sure that the blade is not running while you are cleaning the hair out of the teeth.

Cutting the bristles on the brush WILL dull your blade.

I once had a blade sharpener tell me this, and I looked at him as if he was crazy thinking he had to tell me that, but he told me that I would be surprised at how many groomers try to clean out their blades while they are still running.
So I thought I would mention it. :/

The smaller, pointy brush is a little firmer, and great for getting stubborn clumps of hair out.

It is also great for the blades with very long teeth like the 3¾ blade or longer.

A tooth brush is also great for cleaning out the back of 5in1 blades.

A toothbrush is an inexpensive, handy tool to help keep your blades and your clipper cleaned out quickly between more through cleanings.

I know that I haven't been blogging a lot lately.

There just don't seem to be enough hours in the day.

Lately I have been doing some crafting.
I will be posting in the next couple of days to show you what I have been doing in my spare time.

Here is a little tease.

(Flowers 70% off at JoAnn's Fabric.)

Guess what I am doing with all of these?

I'll show you over the next couple of days.

Guess what I am doing with this?

I'll show you step by step.

Stay tuned!  ☺

Happy Grooming, MFF
