everything about your dogs

Tuesdays Tip # 54....Runny Eyes

Oh, and I may just add a small rant to the end of this post.

First the tip for today.

You know how you get those dogs with the really runny eyes?
Most of them tend to be Shih-Tzus or Shih-Tzu mixes.
The eyes and face tend to stink from the constantly moist hair and skin under the eyes.
So, you spend a little extra time shampooing and cleaning up really nice around the eyes.
You get the face all nice and clean and smelling good again.
You get the face all nice and dry and ready to scissor.

Then, you go to scissor up around the eyes and the face and the hair is wet again.

Sometimes it is really soaking wet.

That can sometimes make it hard to scissor.

So I keep a roll of Ultra Soft Toilet Paper next to my table.

The toilet paper is nice and soft to rub a round the eyes, and it is also nice and absorbent.

It does a really nice job of removing excess moisture and drying the hair a little.

Wrap a small sheet around your finger and rub the hair under the eye to help dry before you scissor.

It does not get the hair totally dry, but it does help to clean up under the eye and lift the hair for scissoring.

The roll of toilet paper also comes in handy for wiping off blades, cleaning out ears, cleaning slobber off of a mouth, picking up accidents on your table, wiping cut hair off of your face, and wiping off your scissors.

Now for the rant.

Sometimes you just get those customers that you seem to always go out of your way for and then you just feel like they step on you.

This particular customer has two dogs.
He is very picky about the grooms.
We go out and get his dogs out of the car when he brings the dogs, and we take them back out and put them in the car when he picks up.
That is not a big deal for us, because we do that for a lot of our older, or disabled customers, but this customer tends to tie up my husband and one of my kids for quite a long time, as if they have nothing else to do.

The main thing that bothered me this time with this customer was the fact that he came to pick up the dogs and forgot his checkbook.
He had credit cards with him, but did not want to use them.

Don't ask....it didn't make any sense when my husband explained it to me.

He asked for the shop mailing address and said that he would mail the payment as soon as he got home.
This customer has been coming to us for awhile, so my husband told the customer that that would be no problem as long as the check arrived by Saturday so that we could close out the books for the week.

By Thursday we had not received the check, so my husband called.....he forgot.....would send it out that day. (the dogs were groomed on Tuesday)
No problem, it would still get to us by Saturday.

Saturday mail...no check.

Fast forward to today's mail....no check!

Phone call today....no answer.

Has now been 8 days since the dogs were groomed.
My husband is kicking himself for not making him use the credit card.
I hate chasing people.
My husband will call him again tomorrow.
I am giving him the benefit of the doubt that he was not home today and is not just avoiding our phone call....we will see.

You try to trust people and do something nice for someone, and then they do something like this.
It ruins it for trusting other customers.
It is also like a slap in the face after you let someone do something that you don't normally let customers do.

Okay, rant over.  

Happy Grooming, MFF
