everything about your dogs

Top 10 Murphy's Law's of Dog Grooming

10~ The customer who shows up 10 to 30 minutes late for their appointment will always need the dog back out ASAP because of a family, or personal emergency.

9~  When you have all your dogs done and are running on time, no one is in any hurry to pick up their dog.... When you are running behind, everyone wants their dog back at the same time.

8~  All pet owners with matted dogs want long cuts... most pet owners with dogs with great, mat free coats want them shaved.

7~  On rainy days every dog WILL poop and pee 5 minutes after they arrive at your shop.

6~  The pet owner of the dog that you did a drastic makeover on has nothing to say about the great job that you did...The pet owners whose Beagle you just bathed and brushed out can't stop praising you for the wonderful job you did on their dog.

5~  Whenever you have plans for after work, you are guaranteed that at least one pet owner will be late picking their dog up.

4~ You have a couple of no-shows, and have a chance to get out of work early, only to have your 8am appointment unable to pick up their dog till your normal closing time.

3~  You have a pet owner beg you to have their dog ready and back out ASAP, because they MUST be someplace at a certain time. You move dogs around and have their dog all ready to go at the agreed upon time. Then that time comes and goes...no owner...an hour later they show up. "oh, we changed our plans."

2~ Whenever you take a same day appointment, they are almost always guaranteed to be a crazy pet owner, a crazy pet, or a matted mess.

AND THE #1 Murphy's Law of grooming.....

1~  Pet owners that tell you to call their cell phones when the dog is done NEVER answer their phone, the phone is off, or the voice mail box is full!

Happy Grooming, MFF
