everything about your dogs

'Twas The Week Before Christmas

'Twas the week before Christmas when all through the grooming shop,
Every dog was barking, and nothing could make them stop.
The clippers were running and we were scissoring with care,
In hopes that we would not drown in all of the hair.

The dogs were all comfy and cozy in their kennels,
While visions of rawhide's danced in their heads.
Some dogs were all finished with Christmas bows and bandannas,
Just waiting for their owners before we all go bananas.

When out in the lobby there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my table to see what was the matter.
Away to the lobby I flew like a flash,
And there on the counter was a Christmas sock monkey named 'Sash'.

There he was in his little Christmas hat,
Right on my counter, that little monkey sat.
When what to my wondering ears should he say,
"I came to help with the grooming this busy day."

This little Christmas sock monkey, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment this must be some trick.
'Sash' said he had come to help us all out,
He whistled and called to the dogs without doubt;

Now 'Hanna'! now 'Peanut'! now, 'Lily'! now 'Zoey'!
Come 'Bentley'! come 'Riley'! come 'Cooper'! and 'Joey'!
To the tub! To the Dryer!
To the the table you go!

As water and shampoo bubbles fly,

'Sash' helped with the washing even though anal glans almost made him cry.

On to the drying he thought he would try,
Only to find the power enough to make him fly.

He got the clipper ready,
only to find that it was too heavy.

I handed 'Sash' a clipper made more for his size,
He helped with the clipping with a twinkle in his eyes.

He helped with the brushing from head to toe,
He knew that all the matting had to go.

He found the nail clipper a little hard to manage,

But luckily flying nails didn't do too much damage.

A mountain of hair he found himself under,
He thought that his world had gone a sunder.

The clipper vac hose was just his right size,
for the mound of hair that was too big for his eyes.

'Sash' was having fun climbing on dogs to help hold the ears,
He stroked all their heads to calm all their fears.

He sang Christmas songs to the dogs that were quaking,
And held on to their legs to help them stop shaking.

He was a happy little monkey,
And I laughed when I saw him kiss a dog named 'Punky'.
A wink of his eye and a smile on his face,
Had me grooming at a nice calm pace.

He spoke not a word, but worked as hard as any groomer,
He helped finish all of the dogs that much sooner.
He loved sorting through Christmas ribbon and flowers,
He had fun doing this for hours and hours.

As the last days of grooming drew near,
He found all of the dogs had nothing to fear.
The groomers were great, professional and caring,
He found he had had fun sharing.
All of the dogs are safe and secure,
With caring groomers that pet owners shouldn't ignore.


His favorite part of grooming was giving big hugs,
To all of the dogs, even the Pugs.

One minute he was there, in a flash he was gone,
A great Christmas helper, always whistling a song.


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all the hard working, caring, gentle groomers for all your hard work through out the year.
The dogs appreciate you more than you know.
