everything about your dogs

Trying To Holdout

Intergroom is next weekend.
I have a list of things that we need.
Most of them are things that we can wait for.
Then there are a few things that we need right now.
Not sure if we can go another week.

Why is it that things seem to break down at the same time?
First our main HV dryer stopped working.
That is in the repair shop right now.
Turned out to be the brushes, but I did not have any replacements on hand.
Then one of my 5-in-1 blades hit the floor.
Broke off the stupid little latch that holds it onto the clipper. Grrrrr

I usually have at least two 5-in-1 blades going at one time.
One for feet, faces, and bellies, and one strictly to use with my comb attachments.
I figured that I could get by for a couple of weeks with just one....till Intergroom.

Then Jessica's 5-in-1 blade decided to act up too.
Theeeennn her Chromado cordless clipper decided that it no longer wanted to hold a charge.
So, we have been sharing my Bravura.

It is amazing how we always seem to need the cordless at the same time. lol

On top of all of this, my good 5-in-1 blade starts to act up.
It is still okay for face, feet and bellies, but no longer wants to work with my comb attachments.
So for the last week I have not been able to use my comb attachments.

Although I keep trying.

Like today......

......On this big hairy guy.

He gets professionally groomed once a year.

His owner does a amazing job keeping him combed out.

He only had a few small knots in his coat.

He also has a great coat to scissor.

His owner likes to scissor him down to 2 to 3 inches left.
I don't mind hand scissoring.
Actually it is my favorite part of grooming, but sometimes there is just not enough time.
So, you need a shortcut.

Comb attachments are a great shortcut to help make a hand scissor cut go quicker.
Unless your 5-in-1 blade decides to act up on you....

Skimming is the next best time saver.

That is what I had to do on this guys coat the other day.

My 5-in-1 blade was acting up then too.

I used my #7F blade to skim over the top of the  coat to take some of the hair off.

Then I followed up with my scissors.

This is the first side finished.


The length that I skimmed off turned out to be exactly what the owners wanted.  :)

 As for the big guy today.....

The comb attachment worked a little till it clogged one too many times and I was ready to toss it across the room.

I ended up completely hand scissoring him.

I thought about skimming, but even though he was pretty good on the table, he would also suddenly and unexpectedly move or shift his weight.

I was afraid that he would shift at the wrong moment and I would suddenly have a chunk of hair missing from the #7F.


Didn't want that to happen.

The decision to hand scissor was made.

Oh...guess what?

Late this afternoon I was going through some things looking for replacement brushes for the dryer, and guess what I found?

A brand new 5-in-1 blade still in the package!
I thought that I had one.
I tore the place apart looking for it last week.
It was right where I thought it should be.
I looked there.
I swear that I did!
As a matter of fact, I looked there a couple of times. :p
Wouldn't it figure that I find it when I am looking for something else?

I  will probably find the replacement brushes right after my blade man brings back my dryer with the new brushes that he ordered.
Go figure. :/
