everything about your dogs

Tuesdays Tip #59 Bravura Clipper Battery Replacement

Today's tip comes from a fellow groomer, Jackie Basker.

Last week I posted about waiting for Intergroom to buy my daughter another cordless clipper, because the battery in her clipper was going up.
Jackie was kind enough to post a comment  with a link to buy a new battery for the  Bravura clipper.
She also messaged me a collage of pictures showing step-by-step on how to change the battery.

Jackie has very nicely allowed me to share her step-by-step photo collage with all of her fellow groomers that read my blog.  :)

Copy and paste this link that Jackie provided to buy a battery:  http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Belissima-Wahl-Moser-Ermila-Ersatzakku-3-6V-NiMh-EXTRA-LARGE-Akku-Batterie-NiMh-/290870006611?pt=DE_Elektronik_Computer_Haushaltsger%C3%A4te_Kleinger%C3%A4teWellness_PM&hash=item43b9341353

Jackie said that the battery ships from Poland and that she received it in about a week.

Below is the photo collage directions that Jackie shared with me.
It shows you step by step how to change the battery yourself.

 Thank you Jackie for sharing!

~I have not checked  this next information myself, but another groomer talked about being able to go to a local battery warehouse (if you have one in your area) and also finding the same battery.

~If you don't like doing your own clipper repairs, I have been told by quite a few groomers that Wahl has great customer service, and that you can send your Wahl clippers back to have the battery replaced.
I am not sure what the current price for them to replace the battery is at this time, but you can call 1 800 767 92451 800 767 9245  or  1 815 625 65251 815 625 6525  for customer service.
Sending your Wahl clipper in for maintenance and/or repair is most likely cheaper than buying a new clipper.  :) 

On another note......

We just got back from Intergroom late last night.
Intergroom was held in New Jersey, but we were only 5 miles from Time Square in New York.
The ride up was smooth and half way home was good too until we drove into the rain.
The Jersey Turnpike and I95 through Delaware is no fun when it is raining hard.
I am grateful that we made it home safely with only one close call when a driver decided to change lanes, because she didn't want that exit, and almost side swiped us.
Thankfully the alert driver on the other side of me saw what was happening and was able to move into the shoulder just enough for me to swerve and avoid the other driver.
My horn caught the attention of the careless driver in time for her to move back.

Anyway, was it all worth the 7 hour round trip?
Yes and no.

We had fun, but Intergroom had shrunk considerably.

The conference center used last year was big and roomy.
The contest ring was in the center of the hall and you were able to sit or walk all around watching the contestants groom from all angles.
The Hotel that we stayed at last year was great and the rooms were really, really nice.

This year....
The Hotel room was okay, but very small.
Intergroom was held in the Hotel, so it was nice that you did not have to drive or walk to another building.
The vendors were in two separate rooms across the hall from each other.
Many vendors from previous years were missing.
The vendors that were there were so crammed into each room that it was ridiculous.

Sunday morning was spent just trying to walk through the room to see what vendors were there.
Forget trying to stop to look at anything.
The isles were so narrow that there was only room for people to walk each way.
If someone stopped to look at, or talk to someone in a booth, they cause a human traffic jam.
The lines at some of the vendors like Davis and Frank Rowe were crazy long.
I waited in line at Frank Rowe for 25 minutes to buy a few things.
We spent even more time trying to get to the things that we wanted to buy.

Several times we overheard vendors complaining amongst themselves about how they were losing sales because people could not get to their booths.


This was the larger room.

You can see that it does not go very far back.

1 800 76

 This picture was taken from the same spot as the above picture, only now I was looking at the small seating area in front of the grooming stage.

As  you can see, it was packed.

 Can you see what everyone was trying to watch?

  They were trying to watch the Poodle competition.

There were 50+ groomers, Poodles, tables, and chairs crammed into a very small contest area. 

The groomers had to be bumping into each other while grooming.

It was very disappointing not to be able to clearly watch all of the groomers groom. 

Some of the other grooming contests were not as crowded, because their were not so many contestants as the Poodle group.
The Rescue competition Saturday night was fun to watch.
Most of the dogs found new homes.

The Lip Sync contest on Sunday night was great and hilarious.
We had a lot of fun watching some really great talent and clever lip syncing.
I had my smaller camera with me at the lip syncing, but had forgotten to replace the memory card. 
So sorry, no pictures.  :( 

I met a couple of my blog readers at the Best Shot booth Sunday.
I am sorry that I did not get thier names.
I always feel a little funny and nervous meeting groomers that have read my blog.
I know, I am strange. :/
Anyway, if the groomers I met are reading this....it was very nice to meet you!
I did get plenty of pictures of the Creative grooms on Monday, and will be posting them very soon. :)

