everything about your dogs


......Not dog faces, but my faces while grooming.

Now, let me say right now, there will be NO pictures of the faces that I apparently make while grooming.
And, if anyone ever tried to take one, I would have to do them bodily harm. ;)

Yes, I have caught myself making faces while I am scissoring, brushing, or just really concentrating on what I am doing.

I never really paid attention to the fact that I do this until my husband came up to me one day and asked; "Is something wrong?"
"No, why?" I asked.
"Why are you making that face?" he answered.
"What face? What are you talking about?"
"You were sticking your tongue out with your face all scrunched up," he told me.
"I was not!!!!" I countered.

My husband started to laugh and tease me for the face that I had apparently been making.

"When did you start doing that?" he asked.
"I..am..not..making..faces!!!" I insisted and went back to work.

My crazy husband.
I had know idea what in the world he thought that I was doing.
I don't make faces while I groom.

Or, so I thought....

Till I caught myself doing it....sticking my tongue out while concentrating on scissoring a leg the next day.
Not a lot.
I mean, I didn't look like one of my furry customers with my tongue hanging out of my mouth.
Just the tip of my tongue was sticking out, and on top of that, I was actually biting down on the tip of my tongue as I concentrated on what I was doing.
As for scrunching up my face like my husband described, I don't think I was doing that.
I don't think.

Now, ever since my husband brought this to my attention, I have caught myself doing this several times during a day of grooming.
Have I always done this??

How many faces do I make?
I have caught myself making a few different ones.
Pressing my lips together tightly.
Making a face at the dog if it is giving me hard time. 

My youngest son used to make faces with the tip of his tongue sticking out while playing PlayStation.
I used to love when he did that, and would just sit and watch him.
He was so cute!

Me....not so much.
I can only imagine what I look like when I make faces grooming.
I also have no desire to see myself either. lol

So, do any other groomers out there make faces while they groom?
Do you know if you do or not?
Maybe you do and don't realize it.

Or.......maybe it is just me.

Oh my josh!! Maybe I have been around dogs too long.
Now I am sticking my tongue out like some of them. :)  
