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How to Potty Train a Puppy Dog for Free

How to Potty Train a Puppy Dog for Free

You don't need to spend money on a fancy trainer or equipment to potty train your puppy dog. "...Many individuals think that it must be crucial to get dog training tips preceding to getting their pets. A number of people may find this fascinating but a lot of people may recognize that this is a wonderful tip to follow. The problem with a number of pet owners is they will get a dog and then find out that they are simply not suitable to be aware of them. Eventually, they could abandon their pets in order to bring back their old lives. These dog training tips can let people understand what they need to consider and if they have the time to educate their dogs. These hints will be found on Secrets To Dog Training. Through the time to carry out appropriate dog training, you will get pleasure from a lifetime of comfortable friendship with your ".... In fact, you can do it for free. Patience, consistency and praise are the key components in the housebreaking process and they are all available for the low cost of nothing. The only thing you will have to spend when potty training your dog is some time.



    Choose an area outside you would like your puppy to go to the bathroom. When you have decided on this area, always take the puppy to that spot and never go anywhere else. Consistently taking your puppy dog to this area will help it know it is supposed to potty when taken to this spot.


    Take the puppy to your designated spot through the same route each time. That is, always walk through the same door and take the same path to get to the appropriate area. Doing so will help your puppy associate going potty when it sees these cues. For instance, it will start to understand that when it walks through a certain door and takes a certain path to the spot, it is time to eliminate.


    Give your dog plenty of praise when it goes potty where it should. Pet it and speak to it in enthusiastic tones. Most puppies respond well to praise and will continue to behave in the appropriate way to achieve these results.


    Keep your puppy contained when you cannot provide supervision by either keeping it in a crate or blocking off a small section in your home. Try to get a crate for free by looking in the newspapers for free crate ads. You could also ask your veterinarian if she has any extra crates; sometimes owners will leave the crates and the vets have no use for them. If you cannot find a free crate, block off a small area in your home with baby gates or other material. Keeping the puppy in this confined area will often prevent it from eliminating in the home because most canines do not like to go to the bathroom where they sleep or eat. Just be sure to let the puppy out every few hours. The crate should only be big enough for the puppy dog to stand up, turn around and lie down in. Similarly, make the enclosed area just as small if possible.


    Place your puppy on a potty schedule. Most puppies thrive when on routines and the housetraining process is no exception. Try to take the puppy outside at the same times every day. For example, always take the puppy out immediately upon releasing it from the crate or area in addition to after it wakes up and eats. Eventually, your puppy will learn at which times of day it is allowed to eliminate, which will help in the housebreaking process.

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