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DIY Wood Furniture Cleaner

Let’s chant! “GET THE CHEMICALS OUT! GET THE CHEMICALS OUT!” Remember to pump your fists while you chant! Yep, it’s true, I feel that strongly about reducing and eliminating chemicals from my home and your home too! You ARE welcome!

If you have a store bought furniture/wood cleaner or oil in your house, most likely it is toxic. You can look it up at ewg.org if you want to see just how toxic it is. I looked up a really popular one and it gets an F because it potentially causes cancer, irritation to the skin, allergies and it negatively affects your nervous system so go chew on that! Actually don’t…it’s toxic. Drops mic……

non-toxic wood furniture cleaner young living essential oils bergamot diy thieves household cleaner
Immediately picks mic back up awkwardly because I am not done.

My DIY Wood Furniture only has 3 ingredients and the only thing it might do is make your hands really soft! Oops, did I do that? You can thank me later.

Let's get into the recipe!

DIY Wood Furniture Cleaner
-1/2 cup Olive Oil    
-10 drops Bergamot (it is a type of orange, the flavor/oil/dried rind is found in Earl Grey Tea)

Mix in a bowl. You're done! Well not really since now you'll have to clean all that wood furniture!

Put a little on a micro fiber cloth and start cleaning and conditioning your wood furniture, including your wood cabinets!

Now you have a Wood Furniture Cleaner that does not require you to have your kids and pets out of the room and requiring you to put the fan on and open a window to ensure the air is circulating. YAY for non-toxic cleaners and not poisoning yourself, other humans and pets!!!

You can use another Young Living Essential Oil if you prefer. Purification is wonderful to add to DIY Cleaners because it gets the stink out. You smell that? Me either, thanks Purification! Tea Tree, Lemon or Citrus Fresh would also be amazing choices. 

Check out my video here, where I'll show you hoe to make the recipe and how I clean my cabinets. You're fonna want to see the insane results!

If you don’t have the Thieves Household Cleaner, you can sub a ¼ cup white or apple cider vinegar.

My friend Elaina over at The Rising Spoon has a blog post with a great Homemade Wood Polish and Dusting Spray and she uses vinegar that you can check out here!

I would love to hear if you used the recipe and what you thought of it!

If you know you want to purchase Young Living Essential Oils and are ready to get started now, click here!

If you want more info about essential oils, click here!

Be Well,
