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3 Day Smoothie Juice Cleanse Part 2

Let’s talk side effects and benefits!

Disclaimer Alert: The contents found in this post are not intended to treat, diagnose or cure. If you have any concerns, please contact a doctor before altering your health care routine or changing your diet. I am sharing my experience and it is for informational purposes only.

I am not going to sugar coat anything here. This cleanse was not all rainbows and butterflies. I was very uncomfortable a lot of the time, it was difficult. On the bright side, there were tons of benefits!

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Side Effects

-First and probably most obvious, I was peeing constantly. While watching Jessica Jones on Netflix, I had to have the bf pause it 3 times during one episode so I could visit the potty room. BTW awesome series! Not for the kiddos though as there are adult type themes. Talking about pee, mine instantly turned clear but at the end of day 2 around 11pm it turned very dark and smelled so bad, like worse than asparagus pee! This continued for the rest of day 3. I am sure my body was pushing out toxins!

-Mild headache, dizziness and weakness. The dizziness and weakness got worse as the cleanse went on only getting better for about 30 minutes after having a smoothie. I had to be mindful of getting up more slowly and really thinking about what I was doing. The headache lessened though!

-I developed a bad rash all over 2 of my fingers. It was so itchy I was scratching it in my sleep! I am guessing this is my body pushing out toxins through my skin.

-Ear popping. Yes like when you go on an airplane or take a trip in the car through varying elevations. This happened several times. I thought this was strange since I had not read about this side effect anywhere when I was researching the subject of smoothie and juice cleanses and fasts.

-Felt a deep sadness several times for no particular reason. Would write about it immediately if it lasted more than a couple minutes. I never did figure out what it stemmed from. I am sure my body was clearing or purging built up emotion.

-Random crying. This happened 3 times. For instance, my kid (my amazing stepdaughter) had Pneumonia and her other parental units had packed her up a box of goodies and meds. Well I went into the cabinet for something and immediately forgot what I needed because I saw a bag of Ritz Crackers. I don’t even know when the last time I had one was but I became very sad that I could not have one and started sobbing, like ugly crying. I was thinking they are just so buttery and delicious. It lasted a minute and then the feeling vanished. I think this was related to purging emotions and just being plain hungry.

-I got the stupid. I had brain fog. I had a hard time thinking which got worse as this cleanse went on. I did find this starting to lessen at the end of day 3 though.

whole food, real food, smoothie, smoothie recipe, juice, juice cleanse, green juice, detox side effects, detox benefits, juice cleanse side effects, juice cleanse benefits, raw food, vegan, -Randomly being pissed or just grumpy. I was snappy with people and just felt mad for no particular reason sometimes. I feel like when your body is not busy digesting food, not only can it help you heal physically but also emotionally.

-I was able to nap some but I was not sleeping great at night. It got harder to get out of bed in the morning due to being weak.

-POOP. Well you asked for poop talk and here it is! I was constipated for the first day and had quite a bit of gas. The second day, I had diarrhea several times during the day. Shades of green and pink mostly and it smelled super bad. I didn’t poop again until the evening of the first day after cleanse. 


As I write this, it is about a week post-cleanse and I have experienced several benefits!

-My pooping is back to normal. No more loose stools. I am going more frequently as well, once or twice a day. The process is also much shorter. I’m not going around trying to find my phone before going in the bathroom! When your bowels decide to move more quickly, you’re wasting way less time.

-My urine is back to normal. Light yellow, no smell. I’m also peeing way less, thank goodness!

-I no longer feel like there is a rock in my stomach while I eat or after I eat no matter what I am eating.

-I feel lighter. Losing weight was not the idea behind this cleanse and when I say lighter I just mean overall. Yes a bit lighter physically but also emotionally. I did visit my mom 3 days after stopping and got on her scale to see how this cleanse affected my weight. I lost a little over 5lbs. I personally do not have a scale because I just cannot stay off it.  For me the obsession with the scale turns into an unhealthy habit.

-The grumpiness, random crying and sadness went away immediately and I’m actually feeling quite chipper and happy. I also notice I am much calmer than before I started. I had been having some mild anxiety and feeling somewhat apathetic before this cleanse.

-The brain fog and the stupid I developed are gone. I am thinking way more clearly than before I even started. I was getting distracted very easily, going from one task to another without finishing a task most times. I was getting more forgetful than normal which is not good. Now I feel clear and my thinking is very sharp. I’m getting a lot more done!

-My appetite has decreased. I am eating less and am hungry less.

-I had been eating more sugary foods as of late. When you are experimenting with blueberry muffins, perfecting your cobbler recipe and a friend starts a pie business (best apple pie EVER) you want to support, your body starts to think that dessert should be a part of every meal. My cravings got out of hand. My sugar cravings are gone! I went out to lunch recently, ordered a shrimp salad and just had fresh squeezed lemon and hot sauce for my dressing. I was craving salad with this dressing. It feels awesome when your body starts to crave healthy food. Woot woot!
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-My body is telling me what I need very clearly! Almost immediately after I stopped the cleanse my body told me I needed garbanzo beans/chickpeas, kidney beans, beets and small green peas. Isn’t that super specific? I made a salad with these foods included twice, then my body decided that was good and I no longer felt a strong need for them. It’s crazy how smart our bodies are! Doing this cleanse turned on that part of my body and/or brain that tells me what I need. BTW, after researching what I was craving, almost every food was very high in minerals!

-The dizziness disappeared as soon as I ate solid food. The headache I got initially was very mild and did not last long. The weakness I experienced went away pretty quickly after having my first post cleanse meal.

-The rashes I got on my fingers are almost cleared up now. The itching went away as soon as I started eating solid food again.

I am convinced that a 3 day cleanse was very beneficial for me and I will be doing it again soon. 

Check out my video on 3 Day Smoothie Juice Cleanse Part 2:

Here is the blog post for 3 Day Smoothie Juice Cleanse Part 1 in case you missed it.

Check out the video for 3 Day Smoothie Juice Cleanse Part 1 here:

Here is an article about how a 3 day cleanse can help you.
