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3 Day Smoothie Juice Cleanse Part 3

Let’s talk about my first meal off the cleanse and some of the recipes I developed and used for my smoothie and juice cleanse!

Disclaimer Alert: The contents found in this post are not intended to treat, diagnose or cure. If you have any concerns, please contact a doctor before altering your health care routine or changing your diet. I am sharing my experience and it is for informational purposes only.

I decided to ease back into eating, at least for the first couple meals. The first thing I had was a cup of coffee with milk. Since coffee is acidic, I added about ½ milk and ½ coffee so my stomach could handle it. I also kept it to just the one cup. I then had three eggs over medium with a piece of sourdough toast with a little butter. I craved eggs while doing the cleanse so this was super satisfying! My body handled it very well. It felt so nice to eat a meal that went down very easily and seemed to digest at a rate that was normal and not slow and sluggish!

I made several different smoothie recipes and will share my 3 favorites with you plus the green juice I drank for lunch daily! There may also be a bonus juice recipe at the end!

Wild Blueberry Banana Blast

-2 TBLS of Chia Seeds soaked in 2 cups of Organic Unsweetened Almond Milk (soak for at least 30 mins but can soak up to 5 days)
-2/3 cup Frozen Wild Frozen Blueberries (these are small and very sweet)
-1 frozen banana (peel fresh bananas and throw them in a freezer bag or a freezer safe container to use in smoothies)
-7-10 frozen strawberries
-Up to ¾ cup of water

Put everything into the blender but leave out water. If the mixture is thicker than you like it or you need some water to loosen it up to blend better add some of the water. I tended to use all of the water during the cleanse.

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-2 TBLS of Organic Chia Seeds soaked in 2 cups of unsweetened organic almond milk (soak for at least 30 mins but can soak up to 5 days)
-1 frozen banana
-1 fresh banana
-1 cup frozen peaches or nectarines
-Small handful of baby greens
-Up to 2/3 cup of water

Put everything into the blender but leave out water. If the mixture is thicker than you like it or you need some water to loosen it up to blend better add some of the water. I tended to use about 1/2 of the water.

gluten free recipes, cooking with essential oils, essential oil recipes, young living, detox, cleanse, best detox recipes, best shake recipes, easy shake recipes, raw vegan, weight loss recipes, green juice recipe, whole food, real food, Green PB Banana Shake

-2 cups of Organic Unsweetened Almond Milk or 2 TBLS of Organic Chia Seedssoaked in 2 cups of unsweetened organic almond milk (soak for at least 30 mins but can soak up to 5 days)
-1 frozen banana
-1 fresh banana
-1 big handful of kale
-1 TBLS Organic Peanut Butter or other nut butter
-Optional-dash of cayenne pepper
-Up to ¾ cup of water

Put everything into the blender but leave out water. If the mixture is thicker than you like it or you need some water to loosen it up to blend better add some of the water. I always use all of the water for this recipe. This one will stick to your ribs!

gluten free recipes, cooking with essential oils, essential oil recipes, young living, detox, cleanse, best detox recipes, best shake recipes, easy shake recipes, raw vegan, weight loss recipes, green juice recipe, whole food, real food, Shake Awake Green Juice

-2 small granny smith apples skin on chunked with core removed
-1/3 English cucumber skin on in large chunks
-4 stalks of celery chopped
-Large handful of baby greens
-Small handful of either parsley or cilantro
-Juice from ½ a lemon
-Optional: ½  tsp fresh or Organic Jarred Ginger
-1 ½ cups good water if using a blender

I use a blender to make my juice. If you have a juicer leave out the water. Blend all the ingredients and pour through a fine mesh strainer. Use a large spoon to stir mixture to encourage the juice to go through the strainer. This just takes about 2 minutes. Discard pulp or freeze to add to homemade soups, broths or make some Vegetarian or Vegan “meatballs”.

These are the recipes I used quite a bit during this cleanse. Sometimes my tactic was to just throw stuff together. Once you experiment with a few recipes, you can really predict what flavors you will like together and how much liquid you will need.

Bonus Juice Recipe!

Tart Strawberry Lemonade

This is a recipe I make a lot in the summer but did not use during the cleanse. I decided to include it because it is one of my very favorite juices to drink!

-1 large granny smith apple or 2 small apples
-15 large fresh strawberries 
-Juice from 1 lemon
-1 ½ cups of water
-optional: 1 tsp  raw unfiltered honey or maple syrup

If you have a juicer, use that. I imagine after you make the juice, some water will be necessary so it is not too strong. But experiment so it fits your taste.

Blend all the ingredients and pour through a fine mesh strainer. Use a large spoon to stir mixture to encourage the juice to go through the strainer. Although I have not done this, I know some people will save fruit pulp to use in baking!

Tip! Chew your smoothie! Your instinct is probably to just swallow the smoothie/juice. Since digestion begins in your mouth remember to swish the liquid around in your mouth first or “chew” it for a few seconds before you gulp it down.

Here is a great detailed explanation as to why from David over at Healthy Wild and Free:
“When we are chewing food we are covering that food with Saliva which contains an enzyme called Ptyalin which is an enzyme that helps to break the food down for the digestive process.  If we skip chewing our food because we are consuming it in the form of either smoothies or juices then we are also giving it to our digestive system without a necessary enzyme to help it digest.   This enzyme helps to digest carbohydrates and it begins that process in the mouth.”

Here is the rest of his post.

I’ve had so much fun coming up with these recipes and am thrilled to share them with you!

Watch the video for this post here:

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Catch up on my smoothie and juice cleanse series!

Check out the video for 3 Day Smoothie Juice Cleanse Part 1 here:

Here is the blog post for 3 Day Smoothie Juice Cleanse Part 1. 

Check out the video for 3 Day Smoothie Juice Cleanse Part 2 here:

Here is the blog post for 3 Day Smoothie Juice Cleanse Part 1. 

Be Well,
