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How to Train My Saint Bernard

How to Train My Saint Bernard

Saint Bernards have become a well-known breed, thanks to their appearances in entertainment and their historical reputation as life-savers during avalanches in the Swiss Alps. Though known for sweetness and affability, Saint Bernards are still a large breed of dog. This means that training for good behavior is of the utmost importance for them and their owners. Whereas a small dog who mischievously jumps up on someone might be deemed cute, a Saint Bernard exercising the same behavior could prove rude or dangerous. As with most dogs, training works best while they are still pups. However, owners who use positive methods may find good results no matter how old their Saint Bernard has grown. "...Many people consider that it is essential to get dog training tips earlier to having their pets. Some people may find this fascinating but a lot of people can agree that this is a really good tip to follow. The problem with a number of pet owners is they will get a dog and then find out that they may be not suitable to take care of them. Ultimately, they would give up their pets in order to bring back their past lives. These dog training tips can let people know what they have to consider and if they have the time to educate their dogs. These tips could be found on Secrets To Dog Training. Through the time to perform appropriate dog training, you will get pleasure from a lifetime of peaceful friendship with your "....



    Begin training work with your Saint Bernard as a puppy, when it will be most malleable to instruction. Starting early is extremely important with this large breed, as it is during youth that an owner can earn her charge's trust and respect. Beginning at the age of eight weeks, conduct one or two brief sessions with your young Saint Bernard that last between five and 20 minutes, growing in duration as the puppy gets older. In each session, focus on gently instructing one behavior, such as sitting, learning its name, or coming to you when called.


    Enroll your Saint Bernard in obedience courses. These classes are a great idea for Saint Bernards of any age, but younger dogs may respond better to this instruction. Learning under the tutelage of a trained professional can bring about progress at a faster rate than would occur without an official course. The Saint Bernard Club of America posts a listing of local breed clubs throughout the country. Contact the group closest to you in order to find reputable classes to attend.


    Accentuate the positive with your Saint Bernard. Using ample praise, warm attention and tasty treats (of course) when training your dog will help it want to repeat the behaviors for which it is being commended. Punishment and negative reinforcement may not be as effective in instilling obedience in your Saint Bernard. On the contrary, it can provoke mistrust, fear and potentially aggression, souring the relationship between the two of you.


    Treat your dog to this positive feedback immediately after it properly completes a desired behavior. For instance, if you ask your Saint Bernard to "get off" a table or couch, and it does so right away, quickly reward it with a treat, a belly rub and cheerful speech (preferably all three). After the dog has essentially mastered a behavior, performing it consistently upon being asked, tone down the praise a tad; just a "good boy" or scratch to the head will suffice.

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