everything about your dogs

How to Run With Great Danes

How to Run With Great Danes

Great Danes are giant mastiffs with sleek coats, mild-mannered temperaments and a need for exercise. Though large, Great Danes dont actually need excessive exercise. A brief jog or fast-paced walk will suffice. What makes exercising them so difficult, however, is their size. If you do not maintain strict control during a run, your Great Dane might easily escape and chase a neighbor's dog, a squirrel or even a car. Furthermore, Great Danes do not have the energy of more active dogs like huskies and German shepherds.



    Have your Great Dane checked out by a veterinarian before you start walking or running with it. Also ensure its toenails are trimmed and that it is eating nutritious food. A Great Dane that is undernourished or not feeling well would not want to exercise, as you probably would not given such circumstances. Right before you leave for the run, fill a bottle with water, secure the Great Dane's ID tag and attach a reflector to its collar if you intend to run at night.


    Connect a long leash to your Great Dane's collar when you are ready to walk or run. Since it has long legs and needs space to move, the leash should be ideally at least 3 feet long. It should be long enough to give your dog space, but short enough that you can maintain a sturdy grip and keep it under strict control. Consider securing the dog with a harness if you are especially worried that it will try to escape. A harness provides much more control without hurting your Great Dane or severely restricting its movement.


    Start with light walks through the neighborhood. Keep a steady eye on your Great Dane and be aware if it is experiencing any problems. Young Great Danes especially have difficulty dealing with the impact of their growing bones on hard surfaces like sidewalks and roads. Periodically check its paw pads for blisters and tears. "...Some people consider that it must be essential to get dog training tips preceding to acquiring their pets. Many people may find this fascinating but a lot of people can agree that this is a very good tip to follow. The issue with some pet owners is they will get a dog and then find out that they are not suitable to be aware of them. Eventually, they would abandon their pets in order to bring back their old lives. These dog training tips can let people realize what they should handle and if they have the time to coach their dogs. These suggestions will be found on Secrets To Dog Training. Through the time to perform appropriate dog training, you will take pleasure in a lifetime of comfortable friendship with your ".... Give your Great Dane water if the weather is hot and it begins to pant excessively. Target grassy areas or dirt trails if possible, because they put less pressure on a dog's pads and joints.


    Increase the speed and length of your runs as time passes. Again, keep a close eye on your Great Dane. While you may be able to jog an entire hour without difficulty, your dog may not feel the same way. Note also that you will need to feed your Great Dane more and more as you exercise it harder and longer. In fact, feed it a meal immediately after you return from a run so as to replenish its energy. Assuming you feed it two meals, this additional meal should serve as a snack and feature half its usual meal portions.

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