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How to Train a Dog to Alert for the Hearing Impaired

How to Train a Dog to Alert for the Hearing Impaired

Training a hearing dog is a long process requiring a major investment of time and patience, as would training any assistance dog, yet increasing numbers of people are choosing to go this route. If you have (or are prepared to get) some dog training experience and can enlist the guidance of a professional trainer when needed, you can custom-train your own pet in stages, with the dog's mastering one task at a time before advancing to the next.



    Research the subject thoroughly and think it over carefully before making a decision. Understand that this will be a serious commitment for both you and your dog, so make sure you know exactly what you're getting into. The International Association of Assistance Dog Partners (IAADP) recommends a bare minimum of 120 hours of intensive training, and other professionals say that training usually lasts about two years.


    Find a dog with the perfect temperament for assistance work. Most professional trainers choose 1- to 2-year-old dogs, past the puppy stage but with many good years ahead of them. Remember that dogs suited to this work are in the minority--on average, only about 6 percent pass preliminary temperament tests and of these finalists, as many as seven out of eight flunk out of training programs.


    Start with obedience training. Your dog must be able to obey the basic commands--sit, stay, come, down, heel--in response either to verbal commands or to hand signals before you can go any further with the training. Take your dog to a professionally taught obedience school at this stage if you are not familiar with training techniques.


    Teach your dog good manners. Assistance dogs need impeccable social skills, with no aggressive behavior toward people or other animals permitted. They must be able to walk on-leash calmly and consistently without becoming distracted by their surroundings.


    Move on to "soundwork" training while continuing to reinforce all previous training tasks. This stage, which you can expect to last at least 4 months, involves teaching your dog to respond to specific sounds like a ringing phone, a knock on the door, an alarm clock, a crying baby or alarms signaling emergencies.


    Avoid anyone who tries to undermine your authority over your dog. "...Many people consider that it is essential to get dog training tips earlier to acquiring their pets. Some individuals could find this interesting but a lot of people could agree that this is a top notch tip to follow. The problem with a number of pet owners is they will get a dog and then find out that they are not suitable to be cautious of them. In the end, they could depart their pets in order to retrieve their past lives. These dog training tips can let people learn what they should handle and if they have the time to educate their dogs. These tips will be found on Secrets To Dog Training. By taking the time to conduct proper dog training, you will take pleasure in a lifetime of relaxed companionship with your ".... Well-intentioned people who encourage your dog to disobey rules you have set down (for instance, no jumping up on people, no begging for food, staying off the furniture) can unravel weeks or months of hard training in short order. Professionals call such people "anti-trainers" and advise that if they refuse to behave themselves around your dog, you should keep your distance.


    Keep your cool. The training process has to continue to be fun for your dog so try not to give vent to the frustration you will sometimes naturally feel. Give your dog (and yourself) training "breaks" to ease stress and reconnect with each other on a loving, mutually reassuring level before moving ahead.

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