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Assistance Dogs Australia TV Campaign

Dogs can make our day. In our viral world obsessed with madcap real-life dog videos, one ad will tell the truest story of all. 

Assistance Dogs Australia a small but national, not-for-profit organisation have partnered with long-time pro bono collaborator, ad agency Leo Burnett Sydney on an idea to turn society’s current obsession with viral videos of the canine variety on its head. 

When Dave Wood, award-winning director of the London Battersea Dogs & Cats Home ad campaign came on board too, a charity offering guaranteed to ignite the public’s interest in the work of Assistance Dogs was created. 

America’s Funniest Home Videos kindly provided thousands of clips for use. But the indisputable stars are the team of Michael and his Assistance Dog Fizz.  In 2008, Michael, a professional triathlete, was involved in a traffic accident on a bike training ride in Melbourne that left him a quadriplegic. Learn more about Michael and Fizz's story in this video...

This new TV ad campaign launched on Sunday 6 August kickstarting International Assistance Dogs Week. It will be aired on all major networks in metropolitan and regional markets across Australia. 

Assistance Dogs don’t just change lives, they give people their lives back.

About Assistance Dogs

Assistance Dogs Australia is a national charity which trains Labradors and Golden Retrievers to help people with disabilities, providing them with greater freedom and independence. Dogs are placed free of charge to a wide range of clients. It costs in excess of $35,000 to train and place a dog, and Assistance Dogs Australia receives no government funding. 
For more information on how you can help, visit assistancedogs.org.au or call 1800 688 364.
