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Pointy Pembleton Book Launch - September 24

Pointy Pembleton Goes to the Dog Park - Book Cover
Don't miss the Pointy Pembleton book launch on Sunday 24th September to support rescue Greyhounds. 

Everyone is invited to help celebrate the launch of this new Australian children’s picture book - Pointy Pembleton Visits the Dog Park - at the Burns Bay Bookery.

Pointy Pembleton is about a gregarious greyhound character that shows children how to accept others that may be a little different.

“Come along and have some fun. There will be Greyhounds to pat, 'pupcakes' to eat, colouring-in fun, as well as a reading by the book's author. You can have a copy of our book signed by us! If you can't attend, but still want a copy, just order from our website,” said Nat Panzarino, author.

Author Nat Panzarino reads Pointy Pembleton book to her kids

Nat, an English teacher and mother of two, and Fer Wicker, illustrator, teamed up to bring Pointy Pembleton - picture book hero - to life, with gorgeous watercolour illustrations.

"We are two Greyhound Rescue volunteers who have used our skills to raise funds in an innovative and fun new way. Money from each book sale will go to Greyhound Rescue. 

Pointy Pembleton teaches children friendship can sometimes take you by surprise," she said.

Illustrator Fer said the two wanted to use their skills, not only raise funds for dogs in desperate need, but also to raise awareness about Greyhounds as family pets
"They are gentle dogs and they make amazing family pets. 

There are thousands of Greyhounds who are unloved, without a family of their own. No longer wanted by the racing industry, many Greyhounds are simply killed. This is referred to by the industry as ‘wastage’,” Fer said.
Author Nat Panzarino and Illustrator Fer Wicker with Greyhounds available for adoption
Nat Panzarino and Fer Wicker with some of the Greyhounds available for adoption

“Rescue, rehabilitation and re-homing of retired racing greyhounds is an expensive undertaking. Ongoing funds are required for organisations like Greyhound Rescue to continue finding loving homes. These dogs deserve as much love as a Poodle, a Pug or a Chihuahua.

The book's production was funded by a crowd-sourcing campaign which raised $28,871 to print, market and distribute 5000 copies.

When: Sunday 24th September 2017 at 11:00am 

Where: The Burns Bay Bookery 4/50-54 Burns Bay Road, Lane Cove, NSW.

If you're unable to attend, you can still purchase a copy of the book online by visiting www.pointypembleton.com
