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How to Train Your Maltese Poodle Dog

How to Train Your Maltese Poodle Dog

Maltese poodle dogs are cute, small and intelligent, and have characteristics from the Maltese and the poodle breeds. Both breeds have continuously growing hair, and require frequent grooming. The Maltese is generally gentle and more easygoing than many other small breeds, and poodles also tend to be more easygoing than many of the smaller breeds. Nevertheless, both can be prone to over-protectiveness and general "small dog syndrome," which is the tendency of small dogs to be fearless to a fault, bossing around very large dogs, as well as people, yapping and nipping. "...Most people think that it must be necessary to get dog training tips prior to acquiring their pets. Some people may find this exciting but a lot of people may concur that this is a very good tip to follow. The issue with a number of pet owners is they will get a dog and then find out that they are simply not suitable to be cautious of them. In the end, they would depart their pets in order to reestablish their old lives. These dog training tips can let people know what they should take care of and if they have the time to teach their dogs. These suggestions can be found on Secrets To Dog Training. Through the time to execute proper dog training, you will delight in a lifetime of relaxed friendship with your ".... Your training program should be designed to minimize the negatives of small dog syndrome and maximize the positives of high intelligence and cheerfulness these dogs possess.


    Fun in the dog park is only one aspect of proper socialization.
    Fun in the dog park is only one aspect of proper socialization.

    Socialize your Maltese poodle dog from an early age. Socialization is key for all dogs, but the Maltese poodle can become territorial if not taught to accept strangers and changing surroundings. Take your dog to safe dog parks and expose it to as many types of people and other animals as you can. A safe dog park should be clean and should have separate areas for small dogs, puppies and bigger dogs. The more positive experiences with new people, animals and environments, the better for your Maltese poodle's overall socialization.

    Let your dog on your lap, of course, but not to the point it cannot be a real dog.
    Let your dog on your lap, of course, but not to the point it cannot be a real dog.

    Walk your dog. Treat your Maltese poodle dog like a dog, not like a human infant. It is easy to carry this dog everywhere, forgetting it needs to walk and explore, sniff and play, just like a bigger dog. Carrying these dogs everywhere and preventing interaction with other people and animals can result in severe behavior problems as the dog matures.


    Train consistently. Training does not need to be harsh or punitive. Consider clicker training, the "nothing in life is free" program or just enroll in a good neighborhood obedience class. All are good training methods for these smart, willing dogs. Harsh methods will ruin your dog.


    Engage your dog. Make training your Maltese poodle dog a fun, interesting lifelong activity. These are intelligent, active dogs. Teach your dog the names of its toys, the names of people in the household and how to search for those toys and people by name. Enroll in advanced obedience lessons. Never stop giving this dog challenges to meet or it will invent its own challenges.

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