everything about your dogs

#Petsmart #Grooming Follow-up

People are genuinely so sad.... Rather than have an honest conversation, they'll vindictively stalk you and your friends on Facebook trying to catch you in some act they can accuse you of.

What would I do if I had been publicly called out?
Probably be angry and throw a fit.... And then I would question myself to try and find what they see. I would really set my intention to learn, understand, maybe even make some changes. I might be surprised at what others see that I was unaware of.
But alas, people are too afraid to look in the mirror and be honest anymore... They can't have conversations anymore, and I know this.
What bothers me most is that this makes me just shut up. That doesn't feel right either. But maybe that time has come.... I don't know.

But this time I didn't.....
I opened my mouth because I care.
I have no need to apologize for that.

I care. I care more about the people than they would ever understand. I care about the art of animal care. I care that there are much better ways to do things but people can't get past their fears and insecurities and let others help them.       

I'm not perfect. I don't have all the answers. But I do have a storehouse of wisdom that I willingly give away for free. That's what Petgroomer911 is all about.

What would you do if you were publicly called to account?
Not attacked, just called out.
It would probably scare you... Hurt you.... But would you ever consider the possible truths??

Abusive people are always confident with the people they abuse. But put them in the company of others, and they aren't so confident anymore. They act differently. Almost as if they KNOW that what they're doing behind closed doors is completely unacceptable. 
If someone puts a light on your actions..... Are you ok with that?
Sometimes you can't see the forest for the trees.

I admit.... I often blog to vent. Because there is no conversation to be had with a corporation, or those enslaved to them. I know. I tried.
They couldn't change the way they do things if they wanted to.

The reason I write this shit is because there are a handful of people out there still genuinely searching for truth.... I know some truths.
I share them here sometimes.

I cannot however share names in this blog it turns out. People don't know how to behave like they're grown and that may cause problems for the innocent.
Its not my intention to hurt people.
Its my intention for people to wake up and care.

Rather than be a stressed out miserable hag, and annoy the shit out of everyone around me, I quit the corporate world. It is a losing battle.
That doesn't mean that the people or the animals have to be lost with it.

There are wonderful people in corporate salons!! Because they have to pay their fucking rent just like everybody else...... But they're wonderful because of who they choose to be on a daily basis.

Rock & Roll
