everything about your dogs

Showing posts with label Bad Dogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bad Dogs. Show all posts
Is Your Dog "Bad" For the Groomer??

Is Your Dog "Bad" For the Groomer??

Animals serve, but they don't create. They feel, think, make choices..... but they don't create. They "make beds" (nests, holes, dens....), but that's all. They don't aspire to create.
They hunt for food, but they don't work. Unless its for a human. 
Humans create. Humans make the world we live in. Humans have the say...

To force an animal into submission   /\   To ask an animal to trust you...
To be controlling, dominating   /\   To be awake, aware, feeling...

The feeling of power..... to look into a dogs eyes.... 
Knowing why they're scared! 
Knowing that if you were in the same position you too would be afraid of whomever had control over you because they did not know what they were doing...! 

Sitting in a dentist chair, knowing the dentist was incompetent, unfeeling of your fears, and you could not get up without consequences. 
Knowing that the doctor who is going to do surgery on you was not taught well, and has no natural talent - knowing he is going to hurt you and do it wrong - and having no choice, no way out.

It DOES matter who your pet's groomer is! 
It DOES matter who trims your pet's nails! 
If you find a good groomer, take good care of them, recommend them, appreciate them with a generous tip, compliment them to their boss... They are very hard to come by! 
Don't be impressed with certificates or the name of the salon, not even corporate ones. Especially not corporate ones!!!  
And don't cry about the price if the value backs it up!

Most "groomers" don't understand any more about dogs and cats than the average person. They were taught breed specific hair cuts, but know nothing about animal psychology! 
Most dogs that are labeled "bad dogs" are not
It's all about the person handling them. 
I've seen this demonstrated consistently through out my career. 

I've been a pet groomer for eleven years at this writing...
Don't trust your pet to just any idiot. 
Find a good groomer. You'll know. You'll feel it. And so will your pet.