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Showing posts with label Emergency. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Emergency. Show all posts

Pet Medical Emergency Situations

The only medical emergency that is legitimate is one of sudden physical trauma WAY BEYOND an individual's capacity to maintain... In a dog's case, being hit by a car...
Anything else should NEVER be classified as an emergency! Pet parents should be attentive enough to NOTICE when something is developing or brewing in their pet's biology! PERIOD!

In a PERCEIVED emergency, the first thing people do and the first mistake they make - is that they panic.
They are afraid!!!
They are afraid they will lose their beloved pet (Like they're never gonna die!!) - (WHY are people never prepared for the absolute INEVITABLE!?!?!)...
They are afraid they are going to be accused.... Accused of not caring enough, accused of being irresponsible, accused of putting a dollar amount on their pet's life (implying that money is more important to them than their pet) (And this comes from UNGODLY vet bills!!!)...
They are afraid that if something really bad happens, it will have been THEIR FAULT.
And they, they, will have to live forever with that pain of guilt and remorse!

This is not love.
THIS..... Is not love.

This is selfishness.

The first thing people do when THEY think their pet is in a state of trauma or emergency.... is panic... and run to the vet.

  1. Fear
  2. Ignorance
What can anyone do, what can YOU do, to fix this?

  1. Realize why you are afraid.
  2. Absolve ignorance with knowledge.
It really is so so so simple.

First of all, it is NOT irresponsibility to know what you are doing without the help of so called "Professionals"!
You do NOT need a degree or certification to have and use your own brain and intelligence!
You do NOT need a school to gain knowledge and understanding, although you do indeed need to ask questions. Necessity is the mother of invention = Google.
NO, everything on the internet is not true, but neither is everything your vet tells you. It is simply their school of thought or their "educated" opinion. Both of which YOU can acquire for free!
EVERY single thing a vet tells you has a dollar sign attached to it. The more they tell you, the more they sell you, the more you pay. Your ignorance is their GOLD MINE.
Out of pure fear, you believe everything they tell you. (And out of pure ignorance THEY believe everything they tell you!)

But what if you found out the truth behind all the shit they tell you?
Make no mistake humans, there is a DEFINITE difference between MONEY and CARING!
Anybody who tries to convince you that MONEY and CARING are synonymous is LYING.

You cannot CARE and turn away sick animals when the pet parent has no money!!!
End of discussion!!!
MONEY is NOT just how things work!!!

So.... Learn.
My dog was recently on the brink of death.
I've been thru this drill enough times with animals that I have finally learned - DON'T panic.
See the problem.
Address the problem.
Stay out of your noisy, emotional head!

My first concern, in his case, was to make him as comfortable as possible. How do you do this? Relax yourself, and keep everything simple.
Simple food.
Ample water.
Unselfish love.

At this time, my dog did NOT want to be held or coddled.
I respected that.
I caught myself feeling sorry for him.... So I stopped. I stopped feeling sorry and just loved him.
Yes, that's right. Instead of rushing him to the vet, I just loved him.... calmly... peacefully... with no fretting inside, no anxiousness, no fear... Just love.

Knowing how to research and how to decipher truth from fiction, valuable information from hype and opinion, I already knew what his body was telling us. I have been attending to his specific needs in regard to this condition for a year or so now.
I was NOT caught off guard when he began to take a turn for the worse.
I've been paying attention all along. NOT SUDDENLY when he fell into distress!!!
So I was prepared.
Rather than rush him to a vet, I already was well informed of options, results, and consequences. I chose to offer him peace, dignity, and comfort... and my permission to cross over if he would.

I found a simple recipe to take the stress off his organs, his organs being a source of at least some of his discomfort. The key here is simple. Nothing laden with mega-dosing of herbs or other natural botanicals. Simple. Simple is what he needed. I also became keenly aware of how his body was processing liquid. So I controlled his water intake even though it seemed incompassionate to do so.
Remember, I was paying very very very close attention to everything his body was saying. So NO, I was not being stupid or careless.
As his body signals changed, I adjusted his recipe. I put out a call for energy workers to send him vibes of love to assist him.

All of this happened over the course of about 4 days. The first night it started I barely slept. I felt like he was definitely leaving this time. I had to keep checking him for breath. But by the end of the 4th day..... Against all odds.... And with NO vet visit (!!!).... He is back to his old, incorrigible self!
Oh my god he's never gonna die!!!!! LMFAO!!!

Is he "cured"? No.
Is he suffering? NO! And that is all that matters to me!!!
He has always been challenging. He has never been "right".
But my god my god, what a will to LIVE!

A little PS....
The FIRST thing I did was STOP feeding him dog food and start cooking for him!
The only reason my family ever goes to "dog food" in a bag is because of financial challenges.
Well on this occasion, money be damned! I spent what I needed to spend on all organic ingredients! Much easier than the freakin vet bills would've been!!!


  1. Don't panic.
  2. Educate yourself.
  3. Learn the power of true love!
  4. Learn to learn and do things for yourself.
  5. Resolve your fears.
  6. ALWAYS pay attention, don't wait till it's too late.
  7. Stop judging and accusing others and it will be easier to stop judging and accusing yourself.
  8. Pets are friends, not possessions. Listen to them. Respect them.
That is all.

Jack-Russell-Terrier T-shirt at this PG911 approved link!