everything about your dogs

Showing posts with label Grooming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grooming. Show all posts
#Petsmart #Grooming

#Petsmart #Grooming

Petsmart grooming salon at store #1141 on Gulf to Bay BLVD in Clearwater Florida has a new "groomer" that is scared of animals and therefore makes them nervous as hell.
This is one of those groomers I've tried to teach you all about. She's no different than any other average wage earning employee. To her, it's just a job. And the more she sells, the more money she makes for herself and for THE COMPANY. And sell she does.
She has no sense of integrity whatsoever. She has been grooming for FIVE WHOLE YEARS and used to be a salon manager at a previous store!!!!!
She's afraid of animals!!!!!!!!!
She's greedy and has no regard for her fellow groomers or bathers. She passes her duties as a groomer off to others so that she can take breaks, but still gets paid as if she had done all the work.
She grooms horribly because 1) she never learned how to groom in spite of going thru "800 hours of Academy training" at Petsmart Academy, and 2) she takes way too many dogs to groom them well OR humanely!!!!
The salon manager knows and does not even understand why any of this is a problem. Seriously!
The store manager doesn't know anything about animals - He was previously a manager at Best Buy!
Another REAL groomer from that salon tells me stories that make me nauseated.
All I wanna say is that THEY don't really care about us, the pet parents, the real groomers, or the animals.
There are two really great groomers at that store. The rest......
You really should just stay away, and tell everyone you know to do the same.
Ask and I'll give you names.

Pet Issues - Philosophy On Animal Behavior

Pet Issues - Philosophy On Animal Behavior

My name is Keris Eure and I've worked in the pet grooming business for over 15 years.

I've worked at "Mom & Pop" salons, corporate salons, volunteered for rescues, owned and managed my own salon, and write a blog about animal concerns. I am a naturalist, meaning that I much prefer to do things in a natural way, working with nature the way it was created to be and has naturally evolved rather than fabricated, synthetic means.

Animals have their own form of intelligent, structured communication and social protocol. Dogs are the most domesticated animal on Earth and we as humans have taken much for granted in recent generations and have lost the essence of their true nature. This has resulted in profuse misunderstanding of dogs as pets.

Ive spent my entire career dealing with simple ignorance... People just don't understand WHY Fluffy or Spot acts the way they do....
They believe that animals are SUPPOSED to hate the groomer or the vet or nail clipping... and this just isn't so!
So I decided it was time to offer the specific service of Intervention Education!
I help assess your pet's issues and help you, and the animal, understand what's really going on.
I try to offer you solutions to make life better, happier, and more effective for us all.
I offer and assist you with many techniques including calming energy techniques and Pet Massage as simple, often times magical solutions to almost every pet issue!

It breaks my heart to see so many dogs labeled as "bad" or "mean" or "difficult" when they are simply misunderstood, much like if you were in a foreign country and did not speak the language of everybody around you. And when you did try to communicate or behave instinctively, or see your own kind and attempted to communicate with them you were scolded and separated.

I feel that it is our human rite and privilege to be responsible for these beautiful creatures.
This means it is also our responsibility to educate ourselves. Natural evolution would demand of us to consider understanding rather than resist and destroy what we cannot understand and control.

Dogs are very intelligent. They have feelings and thoughts and are emotional just as all living beings are, but that does not mean that these characteristics function the same way as our human characteristics do. Animals have so much to teach us about ourselves! But we cannot learn if we refuse to open our hearts and minds to understanding them as unique beings. And this is the approach I use to help people deal with their "animal issues".

​Dogs are not always foo foo and tail wagging when they communicate with each other. This does not mean that they are behaving badly.

So what does it mean?

A wise person will take the time to find out... to realize that it does mean something... take the time to grow and expand their own consciousness.... take time to be genuinely responsible for the life of an animal that is completely dependant upon them for.... everything.
This dependency was created by us, by human beings. We are responsible.

Most often, the problems we have with our pets are directly connected to something in us - something about our patterns or behaviors.... something in our own psyche that is only noticeable in the way we deal with our dogs. Or in the way our dogs deal with us.
A lot of people do not want to go that deep into their pet's behavior! It's too scary to examine ourselves!

But ultimately, I feel that this is the dog's greatest gift to humanity, to reflect back our own self as no other creature can. This is the true story behind their title of "Man's Best Friend". No other animal in any part of our known history is like the dog. After a while, they even start to look like us!

My personal philosophy is that as the higher, more evolved being, I should take it upon myself to understand my animal companion's language and social protocol, and do all that I can to complement her life, rather than constantly struggle to force her to be something she is not. Dogs are by nature loving, caring and family oriented. Why not acknowledge that and use it as a bridge to greater understanding so that their life and ours can be knit together in a very functional, fulfilling relationship?

​True love is not filled with pity. Animals do not pity one another.

If we become proactive and educated about the animal community rather than pitying or feeling sorry for all the ignorance and abuse... We become much more effective at home, in the community and the world.​

Can you imagine ENJOYING your dog rather than just "coping" with him!?

This is what I do.
Help you understand your dog.
This is what Pet Groomer 911 is all about.
​It's not a game of baby talk. Dogs don't do that.
"Positive Reinforcement" is often misunderstood and mis-used.
Dogs growl, bite, scratch, rip and tear.....
Dogs communicate differently.
Dogs only act aggressively under very specific circumstances. There are different types of "aggressive" behavior. And if they feel the need to be aggressive, baby talk may not be the right answer to give them.

As Cesar Millan so beautifully puts it, "be calm and assertive".
There is a huge difference between "calm" and "passive", between "assertive" and "aggressive",.

I nor anyone I may ever work with enters into combat with animals. That leads to abuse. That is what we want to change, thru education and understanding.

Choke chains, pinch collars, shock collars...... None of these are real solutions.

Grooming so many different dogs with so many different backgrounds has taught me a lot! So many dogs that used to be sedated for grooming or muzzled or turned away.... are completely different dogs now because I took the time to understand them, listen to them and reassure them that all people are not deaf to their language.

I always reserve the right to refuse service. I know when a dog or other animal's situation is beyond me! I will not endanger myself or an animal or anyone working with me. I DO NOT reinforce aggression or other undesirable behaviors. If I know I can't do it right, I prefer not to do it at all.

No nonsense.
Genuine, heart-felt help.
Basic Etiquette on Tipping Your Pet Groomer 2.0: Cats

Basic Etiquette on Tipping Your Pet Groomer 2.0: Cats

Basic Etiquette on Tipping Your Pet Groomer has been my most popular blog by far.  This is very encouraging to us groomers!

In 2.0 I'd like to add a few words about Cat groomers. 
Not just any groomer will deal with Cats.  It is much more challenging than dealing with dogs, on every level.  So if you find anyone period who grooms Cats - they've already scored their tip! 
Of course all the usual criteria apply - Was your Cat treated well, was your Cat injured during the process, does your Cat look like you wanted it to...?  

Having mentioned this list, one should understand that Cats listen to NO ONE.  And they have no real filter when it comes to expressing their emotions, especially pissed-offedness!  
It is downright dangerous to groom a Cat.  Because they can and will hurt you much more easily, and because they resist in such a wiley, catlike way, it is much easier to hurt them when doing haircuts
If a dog accidentally gets nicked with the clippers during a groom, its not a good thing but its usually not really a big deal either.  A Cat on the other hand has skin like rice paper.  Its thin, cuts very easily, and once it is cut will continue to split like a ripe watermelon!  So haircuts are exceptionally challenging for Cats.
The bathing process is much more dangerous for the groomer.  Cats are tuff as nails and really aren't easily hurt as far as the restraining process.  But their claws and teeth are used like the weapons of a ninja when they're upset.  A Cat bite is the worst!!!  A Cat bite is the only serious bite I've ever gotten in 12 years of grooming.  And it was a sweet Cat, during its bath....

So... If you find a Cat groomer, and you get a good vibe from them, TIP GENEROUSLY!  If your Cat has not been injured, the groomer deserves that tip!  If your Cat got a bath and actually got dried, the groomer deserves a bigger  tip!  If your Cat got a haircut that actually looks good, the groomer deserves a very large tip!

Much respect to all the Cat groomers.  And many thanks to those pet parents who "get it" and show their appreciation with generous tips.  We thank you!!!

Dog Groomer

Dog Groomer

As many of you head off to your corporate grooming salon this weekend, remember one very... VERY important thing - All groomers are NOT created equal!!!
REQUEST by name, or by records, a previous groomer if you liked the groom and if your dog was happy!  
All groomers, especially in a corporate salon, are NOT good!  It's just that simple.  They are poorly hired (not fit to work in a salon) and then poorly trained, IF they're trained at all!
Being in many different salon settings over the years I've seen how "bad" dogs mysteriously become good when matched with a good groomer.  I've also seen pet parents absolutely amazed at how good the dog or cat looks after they've been groomed properly and thoroughly by a good groomer, after years of not knowing how the animal was supposed to look, feel and smell after a professional groom.
If I were you, I'd be terrified to leave my pet with a groomer!  
Which is why the best grooming advice I can give you is to find that good groomer, and take good care of them!  Tip generously for their extra, expert attention.  Tell everyone about this groomer.  Tell management how much you love this groomer.  Mention this groomer by name on Yelp, or fb, or any other online rating service.  And DO NOT settle for a substitute if your groomer is not available, unless that groomer has personally told you the name of another good groomer.
Lots of these kids in grooming salons are very sweet and personable at the front check in. They are very sweet to the dogs.  But then they ignorantly scare them by shooting water into their faces during the bath, filling their noses, filling their ears and marring the experience forever for the dog.  Then they turn a HIGH VELOCITY  blow dryer on them (think leaf blower, not hair dryer) and blow that across their face and ears.  These dryers can bust ear drums ok......  That terrifies them yet again.  THEN its time to do the nails....  Jesus help us.....  This caps off a very horrible experience for a very helpless animal.  And all the while the untrained idiot performing these services remains kind and loving.  No, the corporations do NOT teach their employees how to groom correctly because.... ITS A CORPORATION.  There are no highly qualified professionals in charge of teaching new hires how to groom or how to handle and treat dogs!  They teach their "students" about corporate policy in "grooming academy" and how to shave a dog.  That's not grooming folks!!!
It takes a skilled, and in my opinion gifted, professional to groom an animal correctly. Correctly doesn't mean just remembering to wipe the ears and give you some report card (that's usually filled with BS).  It means more than knowing the technicalities of breed specific haircuts... That's the least you should worry about!  A proper groom means grooming the animal with an intuition that doesn't terrify the them!!!  
I've rehabilitated MANY dogs that were ruined by ignorant, bad groomers.  
Dogs, and cats, can LOVE the groomer!  
I see stupid trusting people every day.....  Don't be fooled by the front counter routine. They're all sweet!  Really!  And they mean well.  But they have no gift for working with animals, or they've not been trained correctly.  And they never will be unless they happen upon a master who takes their craft seriously.
Grooming is not a job!  It is a skilled profession.  
Regulating the industry and mandatory certification means nothing when you can pay any grooming school thousands of dollars and you get a certificate whether you know what you're doing or not!  Don't look for certificates.  Pay attention to your gut feeling. 

Pay attention.......  
I'm tired of seeing your dogs suffer when I KNOW it isn't necessary.
No I mean I'm really, reeeeeally, sick of it!!!!!