everything about your dogs

Showing posts with label dog articles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dog articles. Show all posts
Raw Dog Food Recipes They Certainly Love

Raw Dog Food Recipes They Certainly Love

Believe it or not, your dog is nothing more than a wild animal that has been domesticated for a long period of time. And, like people, their high quality diet comes from organic, native one. The best way for a dog to eat the native diet is preparing a raw dog food recipe.

At the beginning, preparing a meal for your dog raw food can take a little more time than just filling a bowl of dog food commercial. However, after the establishment of reliable sources of raw ingredients and get a routine going, eventually it becomes very easy.

Most people who thrive on raw chicken to use as the basis of the diet of your dog. Chicken is an excellent source of bone and fat, easy to digest for dogs, readily available almost everywhere, and relatively inexpensive.

Please note that your organs, bones and fat are all just as important as the meat in the diet alone dog. Feeding your dog a chicken without the skin, there is a genuine raw food diet.

A good rule to follow is 35% meat, 25% of muscle, bone, organs of 15%, 29% fat, and 5% of fruit and vegetables for the average adult dog. Puppies may, if necessary, slightly more fruits and vegetables.

The great thing about the raw food diet is that every meal does not have to be perfect. Some dog owners go overboard trying to thoroughly mix the ingredients together in order to achieve the exact percentages.

Really, it is too frustrating and a waste of time. Feeding raw is quite simple. Basically, regardless of the type of raw food you have on hand, just to feed your dog. And then, at the time (about a week), try to incorporate more variety to achieve optimum balance.

Here are a few ideas for raw food recipes dog, the dog probably really likes:

1. Raw chicken or turkey
Cut the meat off the bones of poultry in large pieces from all over the skin and connective tissue intact. Feedings anywhere from 1/3 to 1 pound pounds, depending on the size of the dog.

2. Raw beef
Each piece of beef discount is allowed. This does not mean, however, ground beef. Cut the beef into small pieces.
If possible, get beef from a local butcher, not packaged from the grocery store because they are filled with sodium, preservatives and other ingredients secret.
Perhaps there is a farmers market in your area? Again, the feed dog anywhere from 1/3 to 1 pound pounds, depending on their size.

3. Raw Frozen Sardines
Do not thaw raw sardines before introducing them to your dog. Make sure that the bones, weight, and head are intact. Not every dog will like sardines, but go ahead and try.
There is an incredible amount of nutrition in sardines in this incomparable source of Omega-rich-3 and Omega-6, which will do wonders for your dog's brain development, skin and hair. Two, maybe three sardines should be plenty for one meal.

Other raw meat can contain green tripe, lamb and even goat.

The weight and size of your dog, in principle, determine the amount of food should be eaten feeding.

In addition, it is important to remember that feeding a dog treats them all day is not only a very bad habit, but it makes them unbalanced diet as well.

Stick to raw dog food recipes and feed them the same hour of the day, in order to effectively optimize your diet and ensure their good health.

Note: Never give your dog cooked bones (of any kind), because they are fragile and can seriously damage your dog's digestive system.
Canine Training Tricks And Tips You Need To Use

Canine Training Tricks And Tips You Need To Use

If you are thinking you wish to get started training your dog correctly, but may not be sure how, well then, your in the right location. One thing about proper dog training is the more knowledge you have, the more you might use when it comes to dog training. Take note with this article and find out precisely what info is applicable to both you and your canine.

Give your puppy dog time to be okay using a dog crate by taking the training just one little step at a time. First, place them on the inside with the actual gate still opened. Once they get accustomed to that, close up the entrance and give the dog a goody they enjoy. Keep the gateway closed for short time periods, and work your way up to lengthier periods. If your dog shows indications of distress, you might be progressing too rapidly.

When you are walking the dog using a leash, under no circumstances keep your lead too tight. A snug leash makes a counter pressure reaction and may cause the dog to grow uneasy or even irritated. Your canine might pull, and not walk correctly on your leash. Remaining significantly less limiting with your leash hold allows a far more pleasurable walking encounter. In case your canine really does seek to pull you, just stop as well as change directions. Your canine will quickly learn that pulling will get it nowhere.

Be consistent in your role as being pack leader together with your pet dog. Without the proper direction by you, the dog sees this as an chance to establish themselves as the pack leader. Everything you could actually do with regard to teaching your dog will need to stick to this concept. To be the pack leader to your four-legged friend is definitely a change in lifestyle that'll be rewarding for your family pet.

A training clicker plus some doggie snacks could be an extremely effective method of dog training. Because a dog clicker could be much easier for a canine to understand when compared to a voice command word, instruction could be rapid and effective. Training sessions really should not be in excess of roughly 15 minutes, considering that pet dogs do have shorter attention spans.

In case your canine is misbehaving, make an attempt to determine the reason why. It is essential to come up with the reason the dog does exactly what it actually does. Being aware of the actual cause for negative behavior will make training sessions substantially less difficult. It really is a lot more challenging to correct an action that you do not understand fully the reasons behind.

An essential command which virtually any dog should be aware of is actually 'stay'. Not only can this specific command word stop the dog from engaging in something risky like running directly into the road, it could possibly calm him down in a unusual location. To begin with, tell him to 'sit'. Keep your pet in the sitting position, saying the term 'stay'. Praise him by using a dog treat, at all times making certain he stays sitting.

Be sure you and your loved ones are constant using your commands. If one particular individual makes use of "down" to tell the pet dog to get off the couch when yet another says "off" plus a third is actually letting your pet lie down there, the dog is going to receive varying signals. This makes it far more challenging for him to learn the actual instructions.

Establish a solid plan with regard to what you need to complete with the k9 training. When you have objectives marked on your calendar it could offer you a technique to measure how you are progressing with the dog training, and offer you clues about whether or not you would need to adjust anything in the regime.

Next time your pet dog leaps on you in excitement, tell them "Off" with a firm (but not angry) tone of voice, gently shove the dog off, as well as turn your own back. The particular oral order as well as action involving moving the dog reinforces just what the command word would mean, and also turning eliminates their own having access to you. This does a couple of things: a) your canine is unable to jump up on you any more, b) the dog can feel that he loses your attention, which is the exact opposite of what your dog wants. This will teach your pet promptly not to jump up on you.

Ideally, after studying this article, you are feeling like you can begin forming some terrific procedures toward dog training. Keep in mind that the knowledge in this article is not all you should know concerning training your dog, and so be sure to regularly be looking for new information and facts to apply when it comes to your own training routine.
Various Dog Training Methods and Their Importance

Various Dog Training Methods and Their Importance

If you own a dog, it is very important to give your pet proper training. It helps to build a strong bond between you and your pet. Your dog must know how to behave in different situations. A well trained dog will be harmless pet and good companion. It is easier to live with a trained dog. So, you should approach a dog training academy to train your dog.

There are various dog training techniques and methods. First step in dog training is behavior training. In this process your dog learns how to behave with human beings and other dogs. It also includes house training. The dog learns how to behave with you in your house.
After behavior training process comes obedience training. In this process your dog learns how to respond when called. Dog learns to respond to particular name or tone of voice. The dog is taught to respond to certain hand gestures. Your presence is must while the training process is carried on because finally the dog has to live with you. So you should know which hand gestures or tone of voice your pet understands. The words of command should be clear to the pet so that he learns to behave accordingly.

Another training process includes activity training. In this process your pet learns to perform certain tasks on the command given to it. The tasks include herding, hunting, searching and rescuing etc. There are some other exercises such as jumping or crossing a hurdle. Your pet must learn one exercise completely before moving on to another. Generally dogs enjoy these types of exercises.

The training process requires patience as there are different breeds of dogs. Some dogs learn easily while it is harder to train other dogs. Another vital part of training process is clicker training. In this process the dog is given some eatables when he performs a task by hearing a clicker sound. Punishment can be given to the pet when it does not perform a particular task. But vigorous punishment or shouting and yelling at the dog will scare the animal. Training process should be consistent. If your pet is rewarded once but ignored another time, it will get confused next time the particular command is given. Training sessions are kept short so that the pet learns to behave under one command efficiently before moving on to another.

Training is given under such environment where there are fewer distractions. Praise must be given to dog during the training process. Dogs are also trained to safeguard your house or yourself from criminals. They are trained to behave under different circumstances and people in general. If some human misbehaves with your pet it should know how to deal with him. Some owners own a dog just as to keep themselves and their surroundings safe from any criminal activity. The owner of the pet must give respect to the pet otherwise the dog will try to avoid and run away from you. After completion of the training process, your pet becomes a safer and better companion for you and society in general.
How to Get Started With Dog Agility

How to Get Started With Dog Agility


Prior to being operational for work all dogs must be agile in their own right. The agility phase of training in these fundamental obedience exercises is calculated to ensure the maximum use of his natural agility. It is therefore necessary to emphasise that all the exercises shown below are essentially a development of obedience training.

The object of agility training is to ensure that the Dog learns how to surmount all obstacles within his physical capabilities on command, and under control.

It is important that this training should be limited to the known capabilities of the breed. Any attempt to over-reach in this direction may well be disastrous to the dog's physical well being and to its mental approach.

Jumping (hurdle)

Word of command: "Hup". The dog should be introduced to this phase of training by being required to jump a low hurdle which can be surmounted without difficulty to the dog. Initially, the training should be carried out with the dog on the lead but the handler should exercise care that the lead does not check or impede the dog's natural Jumping movement. Care must also be taken to ensure the dog approaches the middle of the obstacle to avoid any tendency to try to circumvent it. There is no hard and fast rule as to the distance from the obstacle at which the dog should make his jump, but the handler by observation should time the word of command to coincide with the take-off. Praise should be given after success but this should not be confused with encouragement.

Training over comparatively low obstacles should be continued until the dog is proficient in controlled jumping of this nature. The use of the lead should be dispensed with as soon as the dog fully understands the training. The hurdle may be increased in height as and when the dog shows the necessary aptitude. It is essential that the dog clear the hurdle and achieve success. As soon as the dog understands the purpose of the exercise and the word of command, he must be required to take up a stationary position on landing. Ability to do this is a fundamental element of control.

Word of command: "Hup". The object of this training is to teach the dog to negotiate obstacles which are too high for him to jump and which may only be overcome by the dog leaping.

The solution is to go back a stage, by removing a board or two and then adding the boards until successful. The dog must be watched and the point of boredom avoided as well as injury. This can be accomplished by leaving the jump and going onto some light relief or play.

Agility training should be started early in the dog's life to make sure greatest chance of success. Dog agility training is often conducted by a handler rather than the owner. Unless the owner of the dog is trained for agility, it is best left in the hands of professionals.
How Dog Training Helps Your Dog to Behave in a Manner You Require

How Dog Training Helps Your Dog to Behave in a Manner You Require

If you are owner of a dog or planning to own a one, you must understand the need of giving it proper training. It is difficult to live with untrained dog. It can bite you or your family members. So if you want your pet to behave according to your requirement, you must give it proper training. You can enroll your dog in dog training academy. Midway Dog Training Academy is one reliable academy. It has experience of over 30 years in giving training to dogs.

First step in dog training is behavior training. In this process the pet learns how to behave with people and other dogs. It is taught good manners.The pet learns how to behave with you in your house. Next step after behavior training is obedience training. In this process pet learns to respond when called. The pet may respond to a particular name or tone of voice. The words of command should be clear so that the pet understands what it has to do. The presence of owner is must as the dog has to finally live with the owner.

Another important part of training process is activity training. In this type of training process the pet learns to perform various tasks on the commands given to it. The tasks include herding, hunting, searching, rescuing etc. The dogs usually enjoy this type of training. Clicker training is also vital part of training. In this part of training the dog is given some eatables whenever it performs a certain task. The pet performs a task on hearing a clicker sound. Consistency is required in this process. If the dog is rewarded once but ignored next time, it will get confused what it has to do. Praise must be given to dogs each time it performs a certain task.

There are different breed of dogs. Some dogs learn easily while others are slow to learn. Midway Dog Training Academy is expert in giving training to almost any type of dog. Patience is required in giving training to different breeds of dogs. Punishment can be given to dog if it does not perform a certain task. But punishment should not be so vigorous that it scares the pet. You should not shout or yell at the dog. Generally people keep dog at their house to protect them and their surroundings from any criminal activity. So the dogs are taught how to distinguish between guests and criminals entering your house. Dogs are taught how to behave with criminals and prevent any criminal activity.
Great Ideas About Dogs That Anyone Can Use

Great Ideas About Dogs That Anyone Can Use

Whether you already have a dog or are just looking for one, it is likely that you are aware of the care required by dog ownership. This is not something you can just jump into with no information. The tips presented here will help you be a better owner to your dog.

You may know that chocolate is dangerous for dogs, but you may not know the specifics. Chocolate is dangerous because of the stimulants caffeine and theobromine. Baking chocolate is the most dangerous, with a high amount of stimulants. White chocolate contains the least amount of stimulants. Take you dog to vet if he ingests chocolate.

Keep on top of fleas. Not only can fleas cause infection in your dog, if one is swallowed, your pet can get tapeworms as well. Speak to your veterinarian about the best prevention method, but remember that this is not a one shot deal. You will have to continue your efforts over the life of your pet.

If your dog is very rowdy or easily excitable, experts recommend that you don't bring them along on vacation. Many times the thrill and confusion of a new area filled with strangers is too much for the hyper dog and unpleasant incidents may occur. Find a great kennel to care for your pooch instead.

If you are interested in providing your dog with the healthiest of diets and making positive contributions to the earth's environment, make his food from scratch. You can buy locally grown organic ingredients and provide him all the proteins, carbs and fats he needs with no preservatives while reducing the waste from packaging as well.

Pick and choose when you are going to groom your dog. You do not want to attempt grooming when your pet is in a particularly frisky mood, because the process will not go well. Instead, do so only when your dog is calm and tired, like after you have taken him for an especially long walk.

Genuine meat bones may be tempting, but it's best to stick to rawhide. Bones can chip and hurt your dog if sharp fragments are ingested. Rawhide is completely healthy and improves the teeth, and therefore is preferable to animal bones.

It should be easy to take good care of your dog if you follow the tips presented here. With a lot of love and patience your dog will be happy and healthy. Keep educating yourself to discover more ways to improve your dog's life and make your time together more enjoyable.