everything about your dogs

what happens if a dog gets breed 7 days in a row and how long will she be receptive?

The number of times she was bred has no bearing on how long she will stay in 'heat'.. You still have to keep her away from other males, until her season has passed.It is common for females to stay receptive for 10 days..

Measure her now..around her girth at the last rib..and write it on your calendar 21 days from now..measure her again at 21 days, and you will be able to tell if she is indeed pregnant..even if she has 'tied'..is no assurance that the male isn't shooting blanks..
Here is a helpful illustrated site to help you take the best care of her, and help you with her whelping and care of the newborns..It will answer many questions about what to expect> http://www.thepetcenter.com/gen/whelping.
She will probly be prego..hope your ready.and If i remember right they can be receptive from 2-3 weeks every six months or so.
she wont be unless she gets dinner and a movie
can be around two weeks that a female is "in-heat" count forward 60-65 days, from the first mating, she'll be due in that time frame. Be sure to have a Vet check her over. especially if this is a first pregnancy
A b"tches cycle runs 21 - 28 days. She is most likely to get pregnant when she allows the male to mount (usually day 10-12 thru 17-19) a dog can become inpregnanted EACH time she is mounted. (i.e. 1 puppy the first mount, 5 puppies the second etc) at about day 45 your vet can x-ray to tell you aprox how many you will be expecting.
Good luck
