everything about your dogs

Showing posts with label dog jumping on people. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dog jumping on people. Show all posts

Begging for Attention

Dogs and humans love attention. Dogs love to be loved, looked at, played with and praised. Some dogs require more attention than others and some have been conditioned and trained to beg for attention. When I was a kid, I had a golden retriever named Sarah who would push her snout under my hand and insist that I pet her. She would stop at nothing to have me touching her, petting her, loving her and adoring her. I would always give in and pet her all the time, so the snout nudging continued and naturally the behavior increased. Oftentimes, a lot of 'bad behavior' is a result of a dog seeking attention. Instead of a casual, cute nudge of the nose, attention-seeking behavior might be displayed in ways that are often incorrectly interpreted as 'dominant' behavior. Pawing, jumping up, mouthing, barking etc., have been coined as being aggressive displays of dogs trying to be 'alpha dogs'. However, this is simply not the case.

Dogs are constantly being affected by their environment and also operating on it. The first time that a puppy jumps up onto someone's lap they are usually met with a cute, loving gaze and a happy smile from someone that thinks the behavior is adorable. The puppy learns that jumping up gets him attention and adoration. Something that is good and pleasurable, so the behavior is being rewarded meaning that it will increase. Eventually the puppy grows up into a 70 lb. exuberant 10 month old youngster and the jumping up in someone's lap is considered bad, dominant behavior that should be harshly corrected with a jerk on a leash. The punishment doesn't often work however, because one person may harshly punish the puppy, but then the next person might still think it's cute, so the puppy becomes confused and anxiety may set in. It's the owner's responsibility to realize that the puppy was taught one thing and now there are new expectations. The owner must start training himself to only pet the puppy when he is sitting. Something I like to call Sit-for-Pets. If the puppy jumps it's important to turn your back to your puppy and not look at him until he is calm enough for you to ask him to sit. As soon as he's sitting, then you can turn around and pet him while telling him, "Good sit!". If your dog is capable of bowling over people and scratching their legs up, it's important to manage the first part of the training by stepping on a leash and asking people to not give your giant, lovable, jumping pup any attention until he calms down and sits. As soon as he sits, they can give him all the love and attention in the world. Then the puppy will be rewarded with good positive attention instead of the puppy turning into giant jumping bean who is begging for attention regardless if it's positive or negative attention.

Pawing, mouthing, barking, whining and other behaviors along these lines, are all inventive ways that dogs have used to elicit attention from their owners. People who push their dog away and say their dog's name followed by a no all the time, are all giving in to what their dog wants- attention! Even if it's negative attention they are happy. Just looking at them makes them happy. Just saying their name is attention. As a result, the behavior will continue and sometimes even get worse.

So, how do you extinguish unwanted attention seeking behaviors? Simply by ignoring it altogether. I know, I know this can be very, very difficult. It's no fun to have a giant great dane pawing you with his big ol' paw or a whiny poodle sit there crying at you. But you have to stick to your guns and be consistent. The other very important part of the equation is to identify and understand what your dog needs. Does your dog need to go outside to go potty, is he hungry, is he not well-exercised, is he not feeling well, etc.? Before the attention seeking behaviors start happening, make sure that all of your dog's basic needs have been met. Then it's very important to ask yourself, "How can I show my dog what I want him to do instead?". For example, if your dog chews on anything in sight or jumps in your lap when you're trying to watch TV, make sure that your dog has been well-exercised and mentally stimulated that day, and then teach your dog to go to his spot, 'settle', and reward him with praise, treats or a bully stick for staying on his bed. You can also click and treat your dog anytime that your dog is just laying there. Imagine that! Treating your dog for just relaxing! Too often we forget to reward calm behavior and instead we give too much attention to bad behavior. Humans have a 'bad' habit of having a negative bias, meaning we tend to give too much attention to negative things and we often overlook positive, good or comfortable things.

The other day, I realized that I was being an 'attention-seeking dog'. The waves had been really good all weekend and as a result, I didn't see much of my boyfriend. He was either surfing or working all weekend, so poor little needy me got a little grouchy. I put on a pouty face and decided to not be very pleasant when my boyfriend needed me to do him a favor. He had no idea why I was upset and responded with negative attention, "What's the matter with you?". I realized that I was almost happy because of the negative attention! "No wonder so many couples get into arguments", I thought to myself. It's simply another way of getting attention. Realizing that I was being an attention-seeking dog (aka a bitch), I decided to communicate my frustration and turn it into a positive experience instead. "I'm sorry, I just realized that I've missed you this weekend, and I would love to go on a date with you tonight when you have some time, " I told him. All of a sudden, the whole mood changed and my loving boyfriend said, "Of course!", and we ended up going out that night and had a wonderful conversation over a yummy dinner. I got the positive attention that I was begging for and my boyfriend got a pleasant girlfriend rather than a bitchy one. Problem solved due to positive, effective communication! You can train yourself, your boyfriend and your dog with positive reinforcement training!

Happy training!

Jumpy Puppy = Unhappy House Guest

The first step to teaching your dog to greet guests nicely at the door is to teach your dog not only how to 'sit', but how to automatically sit whenever he approaches you or anyone else. If you ask your dog to sit every time he comes to you, you can start to phase out the verbal command and only use a hand signal. Dogs learn hand signals way before they learn verbal signals so this will be easy for him to learn. As soon as your dog sits without you saying anything, click and treat. Pretty soon your dog will be automatically sitting every time he comes to you. 

Next step is to move by the door and designate a 'spot' where your dog should go and sit whenever you open the door to leave or to let people in. This exercise is also good for dogs that bolt out of doors and don't recognize boundaries. It's best if this spot can be an actual mat or dog bed. Lead your dog over to the mat and ask him to sit. Click and treat when all four paws are on the mat and he's sitting on it. Start to add the cue, 'Go to spot' with an emphasis on 'spot', when your dog is eagerly going over and sitting on his spot. This exercise is also much more effective if your dog already knows the 'stay' command. Once your dog is on his spot, ask him to 'stay' and very slowly open the door. If his bottom lifts up from the mat, quickly shut the door. Ask your dog to sit and stay again, and then open the door slowly again. Once you are able to completely open the door, click and treat. Repeat the exercise until your dog can calmly sit and stay with the door wide open (safety tip- keep a loose 6 ft. leash on your dog and hold on to it, especially if you don't have an enclosed front yard). 

Once your dog can sit and stay calmly on his mat with the door open. You can start to bring a person into the mix. It's best to have someone in the family help out who the dog has seen a million times so that he doesn't get too excited. Have your accomplice ring the doorbell or knock. When you hear it, ask your dog to go to his spot. If your dog is especially crazy when people come into your house, make sure to have a leash on him. Ask him to stay and then very slowly open the door. If he gets up, slam the door in your accomplice's face! So that your actual guests don't think you are super rude you can explain to them that your dog is in training or you can put a note on the door. Once your dog is sitting and staying with the door open, you can click and treat and then say 'Ok!'. This will signal your dog that he may get up and say hi to the person in a calm way. If he does not calmly greet your guest, put yourself between your dog and the other person and ask him to sit. Once his energy level visibly goes down, calmly say 'ok'. 

You can also give your dog lover guest a treat and have them ask your dog to sit. Once he's seated nicely, ask him to go down to your dog's level to say hi. If your dog tries to jump on your guest, ask him to turn around and ignore him until he's seated nicely again. It's always best to practice all of this a million times with a family member or person that the dog knows really well like your neighbor. Then make sure that you ask your dog loving house guests to get in on the action. If you have someone coming over who isn't too thrilled about dogs in general it's best to keep your dog safely behind a baby gate or in a room. Then there's the people who say, "Oh, it's ok!'" when your dog is jumping all over them. These people usually let the dog continue to jump and give them lots of pets and positive feedback. This reinforces your dogs jumping behavior more than anything. Nicely tell the person that your dog is in training and that you want him to be the best dog he can be. Your guest will be happy to join into the training fun! 

Especially with jumpy behavior, you have to be very consistent. This means that your dog can't jump on anyone. Otherwise it's just too difficult to differentiate. It's not fair to let your dog jump on you, but then get upset if he jumps on your house guests. Also remember to keep calm. We have a tendency to get really excited when a friend comes over and it's hard not to, but dogs can hear the excitement in your voice and they can't help but get energetic too. Dogs don't jump up on people because they are 'dominant' or completely out of control, it's usually because they are just so happy to see a new person and they want to be able to smell the person's face to find out who they are and where they've been. So it's up to us as humans to show them how we want them to greet new people, rather yelling at them and punishing them. You and your dog can do it!