everything about your dogs

Showing posts with label puppy socialization. Show all posts
Showing posts with label puppy socialization. Show all posts

Are you ready for a puppy? 5 questions to ask yourself...

Forget baby boomers, there's been a puppy boom lately! And I'm the lucky one who gets to get my paws on them and turn them into zen dogs. ; ) With all of the puppy love in the air, you might be asking yourself if you're ready to bring a fuzzy bundle of joy into your home. Here are 5 questions to ask yourself (and other members of your family!) to see if it's the right timing.

1. Do you have the time? Puppies take up a tremendous amount of time and dedication. If you're working a 50 hour work week, you're gone from 9 to 5 and you have a busy weekend social calendar, you may want to reconsider. Puppies and dogs need a lot of mental stimulation and socialization to be a good calm dog. If you're puppy is in a crate all day waiting for you to come home, his energy is going to be boiling over like a pot with a lid on it by the time you come home. Also, the potty training process requires that a young puppy is taken outside at least every two hours to give them ample opportunities to go outside in order to avoid an accident. A good rule of thumb is that a puppy can reliably 'hold it' for as many hours as they are old in months. For example, a two month old puppy can be expected to hold it for two hours and a four month old puppy should be able to hold it for four hours. Puppies also require a lot of attention. You have to have the time to keep your eyes on your puppy when he's out and about in your house, otherwise he may sneak off to go to the bathroom or go chew on something he's not supposed to. You also have to have the time to take your dog out for regular exercise, not just a potty spin around the block. Do you have time on the weekends to take your dog to the beach? Do you have time after work to take your dog to the park?

2. Do you live in a place that is dog friendly? If you're renting the first step is to make sure that you're able to have a dog, or be ready to move if you're not allowed to. Well-exercised stimulated dogs can live in apartments and condos without a yard, but having a yard is definitely a bonus for your pup and makes the potty training process a lot easier and quicker.

3. Financially are you ready for a puppy? Puppies can be very, very expensive. Even if you get a rescue puppy, there are a lot of medical costs and puppy supplies that are necessary. Puppies need to be examined by your vet and given 4-6 sets of vaccines in their first few months. Puppies can also get sick or things can happen (knock on wood!) that require veterinary care. If you don't have help from family and friends to take care of your pup while you're away or gone at work all day, you'll also want to thing about hiring a professional dog walker and pet sitter to make sure that your puppy is well taken care of at all times.

4. Is your lifestyle dog-friendly? Are you a person who loves the great outdoors? Do you like walking? Are you bothered by hair and dirt? Do you mind picking up dog poop (ok I said it, but it's true!), Do you enjoy dog sitting for friends? These are a few lifestyle questions that you want to honestly ask yourself. If you enjoy watching tv or reading all day, it doesn't mean that you shouldn't get a dog, but you should definitely make sure you're not signing up for a rambunctious lab puppy or a vizsla or a german short hair pointer. Also, dogs are dirty. Your floors will never be clean and pristine again, but every bit of dog hair and slobber is definitely worth it!

5. Are you committed FOREVER? Boyfriends, friends, girlfriends, furniture, clothes- those can all come and go- but a puppy is forever. Again, ask yourself the tough questions. Are you planning on having kids soon? Does everyone in your family want and love dogs? Are you going to be moving or getting a new job that requires more of your time? Look into the future and remember that you're new best friend is going to be with you every step of the way.

Of course, there's lots and lots more questions to ask yourself before you bring home your puppy, but these are just a few to start with! Life is about timing and sometimes a puppy or dog will find you and want to love you forever. There's nothing better than having a dog in your life, especially when the time is right. If you're ready for a puppy, message me because I would be more than happy to find you the perfect puppy for you!

Puppy Socialization Scavenger Hunt

From 0-6 months of age, puppies are like little sponges that are willing to absorb as much information as they can about their environment. It is crucial that you and your puppy take full advantage of this window of time and socialize your puppy to all kinds of new places, people, pets, things, noises, sights, sounds and experiences. Your puppy should meet at least five new people, four loud noises, three new dogs, and two new places everyday in order to be one calm puppy. Your puppy should meet people who are round, tall, short, young, old, loud, happy, wearinga hat, carrying a large object, wearing a backpack, carrying a child, rolling on the ground, doing jumping jacks, walking another dog, jogging, biking, etc.!

The more positive experiences and exposure that your puppy has early on in his life the better. The puppies that turn out to be the calmest and most balanced are the ones that have been taken everywhere and anywhere that they were allowed to go. A lot of vets tell new puppy owners that they shouldn't take their puppy anywhere until he has his full set of shots. Unfortunately, this process can take anywhere from 2-5 months, which means the window of socialization is about to shut. Here are several rules that you should follow to safely socialize your puppy:

1) Put your puppy in a large beach bag or red wagon and take him on all sorts of fun outings.
2) Sit outside on a bench or at an outdoor coffee shop with your puppy in his bag so that he can take in all of the people and action.
3) Avoid walking your puppy in high dog traffic areas and common paths.
4) Don't let your puppy go to the bathroom where several other dogs might be going too.
5) Never take your puppy to a dog park unless he has all of his shots and is confident enough around other dogs to "hang with the big boys". Instead ask your friends and family to bring over their well
socialized dogs or young puppies that are healthy and friendly for a fun play date.
6) Avoid baby talking and giving affection to your puppy when he's scare
d. If you do, you'll be reinforcing his scared reaction to the person or object. Wait until your puppy calms down and takes a step towards the scary object. Then you can give him tons of praise, love and rewards.
7) Allow your puppy to explore at his own pace. Never force your puppy or drag him into a situation that he's not comfortable with. Be patient and stop to smell the roses!
8) Whenever safely possible allow your puppy to follow you around off-leash. Never do this around busy streets or where there may be other possible dangers. At a young age your puppy will follow you around just like he would his mama dog, so take advantage of this dependent age and your puppy will learn to follow you everywhere as he grows up.
9) Take treats and/or kibble with you everywhere you go so that you can reward your puppy for good behavior. Remember to 'show' your puppy what you want him to do instead of yelling at him for accidentally doing his own puppy idea of what he should do.
10) Ask all of your friends, family, neighbors, strangers etc. to help you train your puppy by having t
hem ask your puppy to sit and reward him with a treat. Your puppy will learn to love all kinds of people and to sit politely in front of people instead of jumping on them for attention.

Puppy Scavenger Hunt

Rules: Have fun and expose your puppy to lots of positive, fun experiences, places and people!

1) Ask the mailman or UPS man to give your puppy a treat for sitting nicely.
2) Find a gardener carrying a large object like a blower or a rake and see if he'll give your puppy a treat.
3) Take a car ride to the vet or groomer and give your puppy a special treat there without having an actual appointment.
4) Take your puppy to a dog friendly store like Home Depot or anywhere else you can think of that allows dogs.
5) Ask your puppy to do sit, down, and leave it with at least three othe
r people around you in a place that has a lot of action and noises.
6) Drop a magazine or book while your puppy is in the room with you and then say, "good!" and drop a treat right next to the object that made all of the noise.
7) With your puppy on a leash ask a child to have your puppy sit and then have him drop a treat on the ground for your puppy.
8) Roll a skateboard near your puppy and ask him to sit. Give your puppy lots of treats of choosing to sit nicely and look at you instead of running or lunging towards the skateboard.
9) Carry a large cardboard box or something like it into the room and praise your puppy if he doesn't act scared of it. If he is scared set the box on the floor and wait till he approaches it. If he takes a step forward say "good!" and give him a treat.
10) Find a tall man wearing a large hat and ask him to give your puppy a treat.

Invite some friends that have puppies or even adult dogs to join your scavenger hunt. At the end of the hunt throw a Puppy Party and invite your friends over to meet your puppy. Make sure your puppy has a great time, but that he doesn't get overwhelmed. If your puppy is tired make sure that there's a quiet safe place for him to take a nap without being disturbed. Overall, make sure that your puppy is going everywhere and anywhere with you and meeting all kinds of people and dogs that are nice and friendly. Have fun!

Dog Parks & Daycares.

You have to be careful what you put online, so I've battled whether I should post my thoughts on these two popular places where anyone can see it. However the truth is that my feelings on these places can impact a dog's behavior in a lot of ways and so I feel it necessary to let all dog people know about these places and why I don't think anyone should go to them--ever.

It's funny what time and experience will teach you. However I must chalk up a lot of my great knowledge to my mentor trainer, Lee Mannix of The Lee Mannix Center for Canine Behavior located in south Austin (read this front page article on him from the Austin American Statesmen). I still travel there often to get advice, tips and learn what I can. Working with and learning about dogs is a continual process, that's what makes them so fascinating. He taught me so much about dog behavior and what it takes to truly bond with and teach a dog the right way that I can't even thank him enough!

In my early days of dog training (I started in 1999) I was a true green dog, or novice. I could teach a dog a few things and I knew some about the science of dogs after the 4 month internship I had at the Animal Behavior Center of New York in Queens, NY the summer of 1999. However, I look back now and realize how little I did know.

I frequented the dog parks every weekend with my Great Dane. He's a remarkable dog, laid back, gets along with everyone and every dog. He is probably too nice if I think about it. He allows obnoxious puppies to grab his jowls and hang off of him, attempt to jump on his back and sniff is underside like he was a cow with an udder hanging down. He mostly stuck by me at the park and didn't care much about anyone else. I, of course, was one of those who thought I was doing a good job of "socializing" my dog by frequenting the park.

I continued to go to dog parks each month even after getting my second dog, Trevor, my Jack Russell. He too only cared mostly about me and would play ball all day and completely ignore all the other dogs. I liked that he could run off leash in a secure area and play for as long as he wanted. (Now I can do that at any park since I taught him a really good recall!)

After studying with Lee (his specialty is dog aggression, some of which is some nasty stuff!) I learned that dog parks and doggie daycare centers are good places to teach your dog to be dog aggressive and/or pick up really bad habits. . . . among other things. As Lee says, "You should be your dog's best friend, not dogs . . ." Which is true. This doesn't mean you shouldn't have other dogs or have your dogs around other dogs but there is a skill to doing it so that all dogs are doing things right!

First let's talk about socialization . . . you have to know that socialization is over after about 16 weeks of age. If you haven't "socialized" your dog by then you are just catching up after that.

Myth: Socializing a puppy means simply exposing him/her to many different things.
Fact: Exposure to a variety of experiences is important, but simply giving the puppy random and/or uncontrolled experiences may not teach the puppy what you want him to learn.

Myth: I should start socializing my puppy after he reaches 4-6 months old, after he's fully vaccinated.
Fact: Puppies go through their critical socialization period between the ages of 5 and 16 weeks. At about 16 weeks of age, a window closes in the puppy’s brain and many of his ideas about the world are set for life.

Myth: I can stop socializing my puppy after 12 weeks of age since the critical socialization period has ended.
Fact: Although the critical window has closed, puppies will continue to solidify their impressions at least until they are adults (at about 2 years of age) and -- to a certain extent -- throughout their lives.

Tips for Properly Socializing your Puppy
1) Introduce your puppy to as many people as possible, as long as those people are good influences and/or as long as you have influence over your puppy’s experience. For example, you do not want your puppy to learn to chase and nip at children (or become afraid of them), so do not leave him alone with children that will allow or encourage him to practice that behavior.

2) Introduce your puppy to other dogs that are good role models, and monitor your puppy’s interaction with other dogs. Puppies are highly impressionable, and they are very likely to imitate the behavior of the other dogs they meet. Always consider prospective play-mates and ask yourself if you want your puppy to end up behaving like that dog.

3) Introduce your puppy mostly to adult dogs. Leaving two puppies to play with one another and calling it good socialization is like leaving two 3 year olds together and calling it school. Puppies teach each other very little, except for how to behave in a wild and un-controlled manner and how to bully one another. Adults are the role models you want, if they are good dogs and you wish for your dog to pick up their behaviors.

4) Spend more time with your puppy than your puppy spends with other dogs. It’s very easy for puppies to relate to other dogs, of course, since they speak the same ‘language’. Human beings are the foreigners in a puppy’s life. If you want your puppy to develop a strong bond with you (and have training become much easier), you will have to make it clear that you are the friend, playmate, and source of resources, and those other dogs are just occasional visitors in his life.

5) Expose your puppy to a variety of noises, places, and experiences. If your puppy becomes frightened, do not console him! If your puppy is behaving in a frightened manner and you are talking to him, holding him, petting him, etc., he will perceive this as an affirmation that he is supposed to be scared and that he is behaving appropriately. This is how well-intentioned people create neurotic dogs.

6) Do not force your puppy to do something that is scaring him. Simply expose him to the situation, and do not make a big deal out of it. Examples: If your puppy is scared of having his nails trimmed, do not trim his nails for awhile. Instead, put match sticks beneath his feet and trim those instead. Give him a treat each time a match stick is trimmed. If your puppy is scared to swim, do not force him…simply go swimming yourself, or let him watch other dogs swimming. He is very likely to follow.

7) Try to expose your puppy to positive things, however, puppies will possibly act afraid of unknown, new things. Just allow the puppy to explore as long as it is safe without talking to the puppy or telling him it’s ‘okay’. If your puppy is frightened of something that is not harmful to him, expose him to that thing multiple times, until he is no longer frightened. Try to make each exposure as pleasant or as uneventful as possible. (Example: If your puppy is scared of a loud noise, expose him to that noise multiple times. Do not respond when he reacts; just go on as if nothing had happened. Remember, for dogs your reaction is often reinforcement.)

8) Take it slow. Don’t wait until your puppy is 5 months old but don’t dunk your puppy in things too much in the beginning. It is safe to take your puppy to as many places as possible for no more than 20-30 minutes at a time. Anything longer for a puppy under 4 months of age is very exhausting and could cause the puppy stress and then the whole situation will backfire. We usually recommend 3-4 times a week at 20 minutes each outing until the puppy is around 5 months and then you can increase it to 5 times a week for 30-45 minutes. After 6-7 months of age you can be the judge of your dog’s exposure, still maintaining that the experiences are positive and not over-exhausting. (Example: A 2-hour soccer game may be a great place to expose your puppy to kids but it can be overwhelming, work up to the soccer game!)

So what if my dog isn't a puppy any longer? Well then you need to start training and all other dogs are off limits! If you have a dog that is reactive to other dogs or has gotten into a scuffle of any caliber with another dog you have to stop letting your dog get around other dogs, period. This is where most of my clients have the difficulty. They can't do it or won't because it's difficult or they just don't understand why not.

Here is why: your dog doens't know how to act around other dogs so until you can work through that then you have to keep your dog away from other dogs and eliminate the possibility of your dog doing something it shouldn't or hurting another dog! Training has to start and keep going. If your dog only scuffles with a few other dogs and it's not all the time you still have to stop allowing your dog to be around other dogs. It's not logical. It's only setting your dog up to fail and causing your dog to become very good at being a punk (or really aggressive) toward other dogs.

Daycares are too many dogs in too tight of quarters where no one is proficient in body language or behavior so that they can run a daycare the way it should be run. A good daycare would have about 5 different play areas and only allow about 5 dogs tops in each area at a time, depending on the sizes and tempraments of the dogs. We have domesticated animals, they don't roam in packs. We don't own wolves. They don't need to be around a pack of dogs, it usually causes fights and tension.

Now that I know what I know I get deeply saddened when I walk by the horrid window at Petsmart and look at those dogs in there. You can pick out about 3 dogs that look like if they could talk they would say, "Gosh why am I here? I just want to be home!" The other dogs are bullying the other dogs around, rough-housing and prepping for aggression later. I can peg a dog that will most likely be aggressive in a matter of months if it hasn't shown some signs already. its' quite sad.

The worst part is that people don't want to listen. They think their dog has to "play" with other dogs. They think that their dog would rather be in daycare than at home all day. What you don't realize is that people assume that dogs want a companion, need a companion, want to be around other dogs, need to be around other dogs. This is not so. I can assure you that if my Jack Russell never saw another dog again and I was the only being in his life he'd be happy, happy, happy.

So what about those with dogs that do like other dogs? The dog owners with dogs that get along with everyone and play often with other dogs without any issues? Well can you put your dog in a group of other dogs and call him to you and he comes to you without yelling, "Fluffy! Treat! Fluffy! Come here, want to get in the car? . . . " If your dog can come to you in a crowd of other dogs then great you may just have some good dog buddies for your dog. But does your dog like you or dogs better? If your dog likes dogs better then your relationship and training isn't where it should be. Or if you're ok with that and have no issues with your dog then fine. But remember that when you are trying to call your dog in distractions or if your dog tugs at the leash to go "say hi" to another dog or won't do anything when around other dogs.

Also it only takes one incident to cause major damage to your dog. If your dog has anything happen to him in the park or daycare caused by another dog you could be looking at months of training to get your dog past it. Often dogs that get humped will panic and can view other dogs from then on as bad and react aggressively toward them. If one dog nips your dog in the face then you could have a dog that reacts if a dog gets too close. It only takes one incident.

Take my Border/Aussie, Noah. I had him at a class of mine when he was around 2 years old (he's now almost 5) and I tied him to a park bench while I showed the class some things. This was incredibly stupid of me. A lady walking by (not in our class) had her dog on a Flexi leash (I won't get started on those!) and for whatever reason the dog walked right up to Noah and snapped at his face. Noah has ever since become quite nasty if a dog is in his face or too close. He is easily put on gaurd and often what I call paranoid. If he "thinks" a dog is going to harm him he will immediately act aggressivly toward him. The dog may not be doing anything but posturing in a way that Noah perceives as threatening. He's having flashbacks, and so he reacts.

So does this mean one can't have more than one dog? Absolutely not. I have four dogs. None of them have ever even scuffled once. They all get along fine. They hang out without wrestling (never ever do they do this) or any rough play . . . which by the way is not healthy dog play. People see dogs rough house, use their mouths with each other in what seems to be play but it's sparring and one wrong step and your dog could easily become aggressive to other dogs.

It is imperative that you build a relationship with each of your dogs before allowing them to choose dogs over you. So much can go wrong if you don't.

Dog parks and dog daycare centers are places where dogs learn bad habits, sometimes horrible habits and also learn that dogs are more fun than humans. Humans use these places to satisfy their own needs, not their dog's. Your dog would love if you played with your dog once a week for 20 minutes at the park instead of tossing him to a group of unruly, drooly, humping dogs!

Join a fun class like agility or flyball and get heavily involved in your dog's training. There is so much you can do with your dog that builds your relationship that it's not a good excuse to go to a dog park or send your dog to daycare!