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Showing posts with label traveling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label traveling. Show all posts

ASK LOLA: What Are Some Tips for Summer Traveling With Our Pets?

Dear Lola: My family is planning a much anticipated vacation to the beach. Do you have any vacation tips for pet loving vacationers with a four-legged passenger in tow?

Sincerely, Are We There Yet

Dear Are We There Yet: Summer can mean lots of traveling. Many pet owners can't bear to hire a pet sitter or board their furry friend and will opt to bring their four legged travel companion. Everyone can agree that traveling, or should I say planning, can be stressful, even for us furry co-pilots. But don't let the stress of planning a well deserved, restful, and fun filled vacation get in the way of bonding time with your pet. With a little planning & preparedness vacationing with your pet can become a family tradition and be enjoyable for everyone. Because even we tail wagging, chewers, droolers, and expert sniffers need to get a way. Yes, even we dogs need an hiatus from our hectic schedules of chasing squirrels.

So, whether your dog, cat or parrot is traveling by land, air or sea it is important to always be prepared for anything. Here are some simple tips to make traveling a pleasant one for both you and your furry or feathered co-pilot.

1. The Paw-fit Destination- It important to plan a leisurely pet-friendly vacation that even your pet will enjoy.

2. Research & stay at a pet-friendly hotel- With more pet owners who consider their furry or feathered friend part of the pack, more hotel & resorts are letting out their welcome pet mats. Many hotels even go the extra mile to make you and your pet feel right at home. But before making reservations, it is important to research and call ahead to make sure pets are allowed, rules & regulations. This is especially important if you are going on a road trip across country and need an overnight stay to rest those sleepy eyes. Phone ahead, to make sure your pet will be welcomed with open arms so as not to be caught off guard.

3. Vet Checkup & Papers- Prior to your travels schedule a vet appointment to ensure your co-pilot is given a good bill of health. Update any vaccinations and ask your vet to supply you with a health certificate to have on hand for the trip. Many airlines and rentals will require this paperwork.

4. Tag You're It- Firmly attach an accurate, up-to-date ID tag to your pet’s collar. Just like you are excited to paint the town and see the sights, so is your pet. Don't forget to keep a good watch on your pet. This is important to heed if you have a four legged escape artist who tends to venture from the pack. With so much see your pet may be tempted to on his or her own tour with you as the tour guide. Consider fastening on a temporary tag, too, that has the address of your pet-friendly vacation rental on it. That way, a lost dog or cat can be swiftly returned to you. Because you don't won't to spend your entire vacation sniffing high and low for a pet that is lost and not found. Consider getting your pet micro chipped as well, this is like an embedded ID card. Microchips provide extra assurance in case the tag falls off. Most shelters and veterinarians have a device for scanning microchips. Microchipping your pet is a great extra step to take, but an ID tag is a must! Unfortunately, traveling with your pet increases your chances of being separated from them.

5. Pack Your Pets luggage- Its important to make sure to pack travel must haves that will keep your pet safe, entertained, and happy. Here is a list of things you should not leave home without:

• H2O for the plane flight or road trip (don't forget that travel water bowl)
• Food for entire vacation + extra for emergencies
• A sturdy leash
• Prescription medications, doggy sunscreen, all natural flea/bug spray & queasy medicine for motion sickness
• Health certificate
• All natural cleaning products (for those doggy rug mishaps)
• Your pet’s favorite toys (eco-toys are safer to chew on)
• Bedding and extra sheets/towels
• Portable carrier (if possible)
Biodegradable doggy poop bags or cat litter box with litter, liners, and a scoop. Don't leave home without them!
• Grooming brush
• Contact information of your at-home vet clinic and a few local vet clinics
• Photos of your pet in case he or she gets lost
• Don't forget to pack your pets dental kit-fresh breath is a must when travel because you never know who you will meet along the way.

** Don't forget to pack your dogs necessary items in your carry on just in case your luggage gets lost.

6. By air, by land or by sea - If traveling by air, contact the airline’s pet policy few weeks before your trip. Some airlines charge extra fees, don't be caught off guard by hidden fees so call ahead. Depending on the size of your pet, some airlines may allow you to place your pet under your seat (considered pet first class). While others may be required to fly in the cargo. If your pet must ride in the cargo take extra precaution to make sure your has safe & stress free travel. If you are traveling by car don't forget to factor in rest stops, bathroom breaks & playtime along the journey will keep both of you happy. When packing your car make sure leash, paperwork, water, food & toys are accessible on the journey amidst the avalanche of luggage.

7. Pet Ettiquette 101- Now that you have finally arrived at your destination with enough room to roam, relax, and play. There’s is proper pet owner etiquette you should keep in mind. Seeing that the hotel is letting out the pet welcome mat, its important to extend them the same hospitality. Before your dog is let in doors make sure dirty paws are cleaned and dry. Because no hotel, resort or rental property wants to be left looking like a frat house. Remember, if you leave your dog in the hotel room while you visit the city, the maid will need to have access to the room. Either confine your pet to a carrier or make special arrangements to clean the room. Clean up after your dog and especially during walks. If you are renting a house make sure your dog does not mistake the chair leg as a chew toy ( a case of mistaken identity!). No one likes to explain to the hotel clerk or property owner about another chew toy causality or have damages billed to you.

8. Respect Fellow Vacationers- Remember you and your pet are not the only ones on vacation who may be staying in the hotel or in your rental community. Make sure your dog is on his or her best doggy behavior and is not howling, whining or barking incessantly.

Enjoy the trip, take tons of "mutt shots" and don't forget to send postcards my way !!

Barkingly yours,
Lola the eco dog

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Don't forget to shop www.pawlux.com for your doggie summer staples. We offer eco-friendly, all natural and organic goodies for your deserving furry family member. We carry a great selection of Odor Free Bully Sticks / Dog Treats / and Dog Toys !

Guest Blog Post by Ask Spike Online: Summer Vacation With Your Pet

Today's guest dog blogger & fellow four legged Twitter tweet all-star is Spike from the famous Ask Spike Online. He has written a bark-tastic article on vacationing with your pet!. We hope you enjoy!

Now that summer has officially begun, the desire to make a break from the office to spend a few days, or even a few weeks, away is in full effect. The kids are out of school and they have been going stir crazy in the house for the last couple weeks.

When you plan your trip, make sure that you also take the right amount of time to decide what to do with your pets. There are multiple options if you do not wish to take your pet along. I do not know why you would exclude such a fun family member from the vacation, but you can seek out a boarding facility, hire a pet sitter or walker, or ask a trusted friend to keep an eye on your pet. For those of us that like to travel, you can certainly take us with you.

Whether you choose a beach, camping, or another tourist attracting destination, make sure your trip is pet-friendly all the way. Not all airlines allow pets to travel, so make sure you find one that does, and make sure they can fly in the cabin with you for their safety. Did you know there is an airline that provides air travel for pets only, called Pet Airways? I have not had the pleasure of flying with them, so I cannot weigh in on their service. There are also many hotels and nearly all campgrounds that allow pets, as do many timeshares and beach rental properties, and you can find many of them at websites like Pets Welcome.

If you are not flying to your destination, and you are making it a road trip, you may want to check out these tips for traveling by car with your pet from my friends over at Theravida Pets. When traveling by car, make sure you schedule plenty of stops for your paw-pal, so they can take some potty breaks. Keep in mind that their usual food and water bowls will be awkward to utilize on the trip and at your destination, so you may want to purchase some collapsible travel bowls to use for your road trip. If you have done a good job training your pup for potty time, you will not have to worry about him or her refusing to “get busy” in a new place. If this is a problem for your pup, I have some suggestions for you to try.

Upon arriving at your destination, let your dog investigate the area fully. There will be many new smells for him to discover, and his bathroom will not be as clearly marked as yours. As a courtesy to others, make sure you bring your biodegradable pickup bags with you, because you do not want to be “THAT family” that did not pick up after your pup at the hotel, on the beach, or along the hiking trail.

Regardless of the area leash laws, I HIGHLY recommend that you keep your dog on a leash, or otherwise confined, AT ALL TIMES during your vacation. Not only is it unsafe for your dog to wander in an unfamiliar area, he may have difficulty getting back to you when his jaunt is complete. Not only will his familiarity be diminished in a strange area, but he can easily be picked up as a stray by animal control or even “be found” by a stranger. Also, dogs do not understand time, so the itinerary you planned so meticulously before you left can be rendered useless by a missing pup.

Obviously, there are some trips that are not very pet-friendly, so you should forgo including your pet on those trips, but there are many activities and fun memories to be had by taking your pet with you on vacation. Sometimes, we all need a little reminder and some tips about keeping our paw-pals safe.

Have a great time on vacation, and share it with the ones you love!

You can follow our twoofin pup pal all star & guest dog blogger on Twitter at twitter.com/askspikeonline or read more wonderful articles at http://askspikeonline.com.

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Don't forget to pack your dogs suitcase with the basic neccessaties . Shop www.pawlux.com for eco-friendly, all natural & safe travel supplies from toys to treats galore & more!