everything about your dogs

Deja Blu

Guess what? Today's call was from the East Bay SPCA - Shelter employee Lenny watched as a parked truck pushed a dog out while trying to close the door quickly. He couldn't get the entire license number while trying to keep an eye on the dog, knowing it could run into traffic. Of course the truck sped off and Lenny grabbed up the dog. At least the driver made it most of the way to the shelter - right?

A twin to Boo Boo Divine, Deja Blu could be a littermate, or more likely, from the last litter of this prolific breeder - she might be six months older. The photo distorts their sizes, they are actually near identical. Same colored amber eyes, same color coat, same long top line, same slightly straight back legs, white feet, wrinkle face, only slightly taller, same temperament. Oh ya, she also had to have her own deformity - a nice, long, 14 inch nasty scar down the middle of her back.

We have seen this in photos so often now that we need to research this phenomenon. We took it for granted that it was meth-lab chemical spills. We're well aware that tweakers are using pits to "guard" their labs, but these spills don't look accidental. They all go down the middle of their backs along the spine. Some are so bad that they need plastic surgery to repair, hers is all healed, but there forever. Is it some kind of branding used to identify their dogs and quicker than a micro-chip? Or is it to "make them mean" like the idiots who still believe that a little gun powder in the diet will do the trick? We can't figure it.

But what we know for sure is that we will now target the West Oakland neighborhood these gals came from, and we know the address since Boo Boo's peeps posted her lost info. We'll do our next shot's fair there and hand out as many free pit spay/neuter vouchers as possible. We'll also track down the breeder and let them know where their dogs are ending up. Can't hurt.

I can't forget to mention that Deja and BooBoo got in a quick play session and mirrored each other beautifully - quite a match. One big blur of blue - raaaaaaaaaaare blue!
