everything about your dogs

Today, people suck.

Ugly title, I know. I think we've all been there though. Maybe people won't tomorrow, but today, we sure do suck.

We took a trip to Oakland Animal Services today to look at a female Megan told us nobody would want since some kids chopped her ears off, all the way off, with scissors. I call most of the dogs "mystery dogs" since we never really know their exact story. This one was different. She was reported missing from a back yard (please don't leave your pits out unattended when you are gone), then one month later, was spotted running from two kids. The guy who chased off the kids took her in, but was later turned in by a neighbor for not providing vet care for those bleeding ears. Dog bless OAS for responding to the call and taking her from him. He thought she was rightfully his, so they reminded him that that would mean an animal cruelty charge for not seeking vet care. He acquiesced.

The scan for a microchip located the original owners. Wow, hurray for microchips! But let's not get too excited - remember the title of this blog...

No ears and now she's spayed? "No thanks. Keep her. How can we breed her if she is spayed?"

Now here comes the part where I suck. I thought, "This gal better be perfect, because we're going to have a hell of a time placing her with those butchered ears." And she is. She's the perfect little angel of a dog that is so forgiving that she hasn't shown any sign of fear towards people. None. And she still has sutures. Only ten months old and a little thin, but she is going to clean up beautifully.

She's also found a great little guy friend with a dog that we're holding onto from a custody case. They belong to the Mutual Admiration Society and we considered for the first time that maybe these two should be adopted out together - who knows? But watching their crazy antics together sure has changed the tone of my day.
