everything about your dogs

Making it Work

BR Rep Linda Chwistek is one of the happiest things to happen to pit bulls in the SF by area. She's the best kind of dog nut: grounded, dedicated, focused, and always willing to share what she knows. She trudges out to all kinds of weather to help pit bull owners with all levels of obedience, and she's stirred lots of proof in her pudding by putting multiple agility titles on Super Fly, Ruby.

With ten thousand things going on, she still manages to pull and place a handful of great breed ambassadors thru out program each year. This recent case is extra happy.

In her words:

One Year, Six Months, 8 Days

Believe, me. I've been counting, and worrying (just a little).

She's an exceptional dog. And she's also a high drive, working style pit bull. Like so many terriers, she's full of bravado and she'’s not likely to back down from a challenge if another dog pushes her. But with training and management from her smart and patient foster home, she's the perfect dog and she exudes what I love most about this breed. Pit bulls like her are often the sweetest and most people-focused dogs you will ever be lucky enough to meet; willing to do just about anything for their person. But it can also take a long time to get to their happy ending. The working dog community typically avoids the rescue dogs (preferring a pedigree on their dogs) and pet homes usually want dogs with a little less moxie, so gems like this get left out in the cold. Even so, we pull the best of the best of these pit bulls from the shelters when we have a ready foster home because we know and appreciate the amazing animals that are packaged up with that endless drive.

But, back to counting days. I'm no longer worried, not even a little. Want to know why? Check out our Happy Endings page in just a couple of days! - Linda Chwistek

We Gots it!:
RR Show Link with Jonny

...... And at last, we have the LINK to the Rachael Ray Show with her segment about the Vick dogs, and, Jonny Justice's 15 minutes of fame. WOOF!

(Thanks Tom Becker)
