everything about your dogs

what do you do when you lose lovable dog?

it is a york shire terria
You cry, you grieve, you take time to heal. LOsing a beloved pet hurts as much as losing a family member, at least it does to true pet owners. Time will heal your broken heart. You will never forget your dog, but the hurt will lessen with time. So sorry for your loss.
I lost my 1st dog about 3 years ago. I got a new dog that reminds me of her and it really helped! I still miss her, but my new dog I love just as much and helped me get over my loss.
losing a pet is just like losing your best friend. time will heal. don't let people talk you into another pet until YOU are ready.
You mourn. There is nothing else. You lost a good friend, and a member of the family. It isn't easy, so don't expect it to be. Time will help, but don't be afraid to cry.
buy the same exact kind, or smoke a blunt
I have had to put down two of my dogs and it's not easy but what got me through was knowing you gave that dog a good life and while it was here you enjoyed it.
I get very sad, because a member of my family is gone forever. But time helps to heal the wounds. If you want, you could get another dog to help you forget the other dog a little. I know it`s not going to be the same, because every dog has its own personality and charms, but it really helps.
You get another, you are not replacing the old dog. There is another dog out there just waiting for you to love it. Go for it, you won't be disappointed.
Give yourself time to grieve for them. Take the time to remember the love that u shared together. That was God's gift to you.
I'm so sorry you lost your furry friend. I hope this poem makes you feel better:

Time To Go

The time has come I think you know

the Lord is calling so I must go

I love you so much; I wish it wasn't so

I wish I could stay; I don't want to go

You're the best family a dog ever had

so kind and gentle, never mean or mad

I'll never forget the day that we met

I was so lucky to become your pet

You opened your door and showed me your heart

I'll never forget you; we'll never part

You loved me and cared for me over the years

you taught me everything and took away my fears

The Lord is calling now I must go

but before I go I want you to know

I know it hurts to lose a friend

but I'll be with you even at the end.
You are getting some wonderful advice. Most of it anyway. I want to recommend a very sweet book you could read. It is a children's book, but I love it just the same. It helped me through the loss of my beloved Icon, and I send a copy to any of my friends who lose a dog. It is called "Dog Heaven" by Cynthia Rylant. Check and see if your local library has it, and then imagine your little yorkie in all the situations the author describes for dogs in Dog Heaven.
I have suffered the loss of three of my furry companions over the last three years. All of them were very dedicated to me and my family. One was a Norwegian Elkhound (14 years with me). One was a spaniel /pomeranian mix(16 years with me), and the last was a Great Pyranees/Shepherd mix(ten years with me). I still miss them greatly, however, I decided when I buried the last one that I would do what I could to help other canines. I went to several rescue shelters on line and read many heartbreaking stories of animals that were left in the lurches by their owners. I realized that I couldn't adopt everyone, but what I did do was to commit to take one and try to sell everyone I knew about the rescue shelters across America that good people who are willing to adopt one of these pets for their own. I did find the dog of my dreams, a female Beagle, Mollie May, and she and I are now working on our second year together. It doesn't replace my losses, but makes me feel better about all ready.
i lost my dog just this last march 13th 2006; her name was Holly. ever since i was about 5 years old i had her, it was VERY hard. i cried, and cried. dont hold on your sadness in, u could turn bitter and angry all the time. i couldnt show my sadness in front of my famlily, so i just went to my room screamed in my pillow and cried just about every night. try not to replace your dog for a new one, i dont think thats right. wait till u can talk about it and be comfortable with your loss.
~*~Good Luck~*~
many years ago I lost my friend - a pekingese, age 13. I was so sad and grieving for some time. True, time will ease your sad but after that I never want to have another dog again, because it was too hurt!! I think no dogs could replace my one!! I keep some of his hair in my purse till now! Sorry for your lost!!
