everything about your dogs

what do you do?

my friend's dog got stuck in another dog if you know what i mean. she just left them for her neighbor to deal with it. what should she do if it happens again?
they should never be forced apart..EVER! It can cause serious damage and infection..there is not much she could do, as you can't move the dogs, and she was likely very embarrassed..However, it WAS very irresponsible to allow her dog to bre free ( off leash) around a female in heat.as were the owners of the female, to not protect their dog.. If the dog did it in the neighbor's yard, she needs to take part responsibility for the litter.. Paying for 1/2 of their vet visits, shots and worming, as well as helping to find homes for the puppies..
It is a wonder that the neighbor didn't harm her dog.. she owes them an apology and more if the female was in her own yard.
well.unstuck them.
Hmmm, take some warm water and try to pull them apart gently. I heard certain kinds of oils work too. Good luck!
Anythin is possible in love n war. hehe.. its the dog's own personal life.. give them some privacy.. hehe
Keep her dog at home.or on a leash.We are overun with strays who are put to sleep everyday, have children who are bitten by "harmless" pets and.its the law here.Dude, keep an eye on your dog!
the will Get Unstuck when they are Done with the Dirty Deed it Natural
DO NOT PULL THEM APART! You can seriously injure them if you do. Just leave them be, it will be over soon. She should get them fixed so it doesn't happen again, if the female isn't yet get ready for puppies.
Either spray them with a water hose or let them be. The water from the hose will break them apart.
It's called - "locked on" and i'm not sure that there is nything you can do, I've heard stories where the dogs were locked on for hours you just have to wait until the male is no longer aroused - I think
yikes. that's a "sticky" one. hehe. perhaps entice them with food and toys? Or. spray them with water? very good question.
why are people these days. wanting to turn animals and stuff into like a machine or something. WHY.. Why do they want their dogs to behave like humans.. WHy are they expecting their dogs to have the conciousness like humans? DOgs are animals.. it's their nature to do it.. and you're trying to prevent it. from happening, that's like imprison the dog if you know what i mean..If you gonna have dogs. please expect that to happen.. I mean i've seen people tide their dogs' overy tubes or whatever so they can't reproduce. now that's CRUEL against animals right there..I would seriously just let them do it. stop thinking that dogs are humans and suppose to behave like us.. If it happens again and again and again.. let it be..
isnt that embarrassing? That used to happen to our neighbors dogs. They would just walk around all day long like that. There was nothing we could do. You cant pull them apart, as the penis flares out inside the female dog.
Its natural. After sometime they will apart. You should not interfere in their work.
Wow all I see is BAD ADVICE with the exception of one answer. First it's called a tie, and you cannot pull the dogs apart without causing serious injury to both the bitches vagina and the dogs penis. The only thing you can "try" is pushing the two together which is thought to relieve the tension and allow the swelling to go down on both dog and **. It doesn't often work so letting nature take it's coarse is a wise idea. A better idea is to keep the dogs properly contained so they can't get out and make MORE stray and unwanted puppies that will be sentenced to death. People really need to get their dogs fixed so this doesn't happen because we have enough problems as it is.
fire a finger up the male dogs ..this will kill his hard on and it will be buisness as usual..of course wash your hands afterwards.
throw cold water on them
Get him neutered. Because now she won't be able to keep him from running off when there is a female in heat somewhere. Male dogs can literally smell a female in heat from many miles away. And will seek them out at any cost. Including fighting other dogs for the right to breed. And he could run out in front of car and get killed if he's running around loose like that. Beside if he's running around breeding with female dogs in the area he's creating alot of unplanned and unwanted puppies. And alot of times these poor innocent pups end up in the pound where they are put down if there not adopted after awhile. Or in not so good homes. And that's not fair to them. So tell your friend to be responsible. Because it's not the her dogs fault. It's his natural instinct. Neuter him he will most likely live longer.
u really into dog sex huh?
Please, tell your friend to have her pet neutered or spayed, as soon as possible.If she can't afford a lot of money she can contact her local SPCA. They offer reduced spaying and neutering service.There are so many strays out in the world. Also, there are so many being put to sleep because no one wants them. I feed feral cats who live around my apartment complex. Their owners deserted them ,left them to fend for themselves. These poor animals are not spayed or neutered, they start breeding having litter after litter; which subjects more cats to desperate, miserable, short lives. I love animals, and it breaks my heart to see them. I will see the same cat for a year maybe, then I don't see them anymore, and know they have met their unfortunate, preventable demise.

P.S Attention Tank D. What are you thinking? its natural, you need a wake up call. Why don't you go to an animal shelter or SPCA and learn about how people like you are committing a crime for not neutering their pets, You don't consider the outcome of your moronic irresponsible views of spaying and neutering pets. You sound like one of these immature irresponsible, "little boys" who go out and get girls pregnant and think nothing of the lives they are creating or affecting. Grow up.
what do you mean by stuck?*_*
I didn't know what do either, until I saw my neighbor spray them with a water hose.
It Worked
My boyfriend says, "let them finish" :)
