everything about your dogs

what do you give a pitbull for chewing he chews everthing constatnley?

Rawhide chewies,,toys,,ball.
go buy him one of those rawhide bones
your couch? your leg? your mother-in-law?
give him a cop thats what i like to feed mine
These are awesome for super strong chewers.
give him something that he's allowed to chew. nylabones makes these gallileo bones that are extra strong and last forever.
anybody you dont like
My pit bull loves the rawhide chew toys! Not only do they have a blast, but it keeps their teeth free from plaque.
there is a spray for pets that chew called "bitter apple" spray it on things that he likes to chew on, and encourage chew toys.
enroll him in a dog training school
buy him bones.%26 train him to chew only that nothing else.
Hmm, is he crate trained? He should be taught to be in a crate when you are not home so he won't choke on something he should not be chewing on. Or is he chained up outside? It may be he is bored. How old is he? If under 2 he may still be teething some. Best things I have found are smoked cow hooves. They are pretty cheap and last a long time!
Kongs, My aunts Am staffs LOVE them! You can fill them with wet food and it will keep him busy for a long time.

Do not give your dogs rawhides, or pigs ears. They can contain harmful chemicals or salmonella, my parents dog got sick from them. Many dogs get sick from them.
Rawhide isn't really good for dogs. They can't digest it and it petrifies (gets extremely hard) inside their stomachs. I don't suggest it. I had a dog that had major organ damage done by a piece of rawhide he ingested.
If you want your dog to stop chewing on things around the house, there's a spray you can buy at your local pet store called Sour Apples or something like that. It tastes horrible and they won't want to chew something that isn't appetizing.
Good luck.
pits are power chewers. buy some beef sticks(dried bull penis) but not rawhide chews. Kong toys are my dogs favorite. he may be just bored, give him plenty of exercise. 40 minutes+ of walking a day
go to the pet store and buy it the biggest bone they have thats what i did they work wonders they have smoked ones he liked that one better i guess because of the flavor
A bullet-

no seriously, if he is young-give him something to chew and restric access to things you do not want destroyed. Dogs chew til they are 18-30 months old.
put everything up high, im sorry to be the one to tell you this but he wont stop chewing til hes close to two yrs old
i have bought every hard rubber toy i could find he did chew on them but when i was gone he would eat the cds,dvds,remotes,chair legs you name it my dog has chewed it up good luck
Watch the Dog Whisperer. Do not yell at the dog beat up and yell at the thing they are chewing sounds dumb but works.
what about those buddy balls?
I have a 60 lb German Shepard and he is also a major chewer! They chew a lot when they are bored so make sure he/she gets LOTS of exercise at least an hour a day! But this is my Buds FAVORITE chew snack and it is great to cure their bordness when you can't be around! But exercise is always number one!!

they are very mouth orintated and you need to find oy and treats he likes ex: a kong filled with peanutbutter or cheese in a tube, or rawhide, or boiled bones from a meat market, there are balls and cubes you fill with kibble or treats that he would roll around to get out the food..you may have to try a few to find his fav. and maybe have a couple to tade off so he dose not get bored of one or the other.toys,treats,and things to do.good luck!!=)
Offer him some rawhides. HOWEVER, one of my dogs only likes certain flavors of rawhides so I'd suggest getting a variety bag (they sell them at Petsmart).

Also, if the chewing is a nuisance, I've learned to increase your puppy's exercise. I'm a fan of the "Dog Whisperer" and have learned if you take your doggie out for longer walks or out more frequently, they will be less likely to chew on stuff. It worked for my Min Pin!
give him rawhide or make a duct tape ball about 5 inches and they will love it and it is cheap and easy to make or give them a tug of war rope
Best thing I've found are hard rubber Kongs, and large cow bones. They'll be at it for hours.
