everything about your dogs

what do you think about bichon frises?

I have 2 that have just turned a year old on Wednesday.So I was just wondering what everyone thinks of the breed.
I have a 14 mth male bichon frise and he is the best thing since sliced bread. They have their own unique personality, when I talk to him he will nod his head to the side like he know exactly what I am saying. They like to lay on their front legs and stick their butt up in the air. And they are people dogs, they hate being alone. I think if you left a bichon alone it would die from lonelyness. My Buster goes everywhere with me. He loves riding in the car, he sits on the shelf in the back seat and looks like a stuffed doggie.
The downfall with the breed is the grooming. i have to bathe mine every other day. then he goes to the beauty parlor 2x's a month.
yikes thats like $80.oo a month in beauty care.lol.
Enjoy your babys they are the best.
Too small for me.my cat is probably bigger! sort of cute but too much like a poodle without the curly hair! but if that's what you like.everyone to their own!
I think they are cute, adorable dogs. Have not known any personally, just seen them on TV shows and in pictures.
They seem to be very cute. I personally prefer the previous style of grooming from the early 1900s to the one they use now. I think they looked a lot more like a terrier with that cut than they do with the present.
They're cute but not big enough for me. Plus, I think they're ankle-biters and make too much noise. I prefer one that will protect me from bad men, not yelp at them.
I love dogs in general but i like bichons because they are lovable, loving, cuddly, cute and good best friends. they also love to play and love to be totally loyal and your best friend.
Have had Kirby for 9 years. Can't imagine my life without him and I love him dearly. He doesn't bark much and pretty much hides from strangers. Have him groomed about every 3 months (and doesn't look like a poodle).
I have 2 teddybears (part bichon and part poodle) They are adorable and they will be 2 in february. Very nice dogs.
I had a male bichon that I raised from a puppy with the rest of my family when I was younger, but he was just annoying most of the time. I'm not sure if that was just his personality or if that is what the breed is like; he wasn't really all that friendly either. My female border collie mix beat him up a lot, even though she was the same size.

We eventually gave him to people that pampered him, because he just didn't seem to have much of a personality; not exactly an interesting or dynamic animal. I don't find him cute; and if you don't think they're cute, then you probably wont like them.
