everything about your dogs

what do you think about killing dogs.?

I know someone who likes to kill the dogs in the streets, his friends dogs and every god he see even his own dog he killed his own dog.

what shall i do?
Well, since you are the Sheriff, you should haul him to jail..In my state he would get 10 years.
What you need to do is call the police. Often, people start out with dogs, and end up with humans. The person is mentally unstable and needs major help.
You MUST report him. Do it for the innocent lives he is taking so he cant do that any more.He needs to be taught that that is wrong %26 will only learn the hard way.That is animal abuse in the worst sense.Now,,do the right thing even if you dont want to tell them who you are,,tell them what you know.Tell the cops,,tell your local animal shelter,,tell animal activist groups.It is a known fact also that people who kill animals grow up to kill people %26/or become seriel killers
This idiot needs to be in jail. Talk to the police, SPCA, anyone in law enforcement who might be able to do something. And if it comes down to it, street justice solves all kinds of problems.
Report it to your local police and RSPCA. Its sick and could lead him to do worse things if he isn't stopped.
what kind of stupid friends you hang out with? You need to ditch them report ther arses. First dogs, then people. C'mon you're just as sick as they are for not helping the situation.
report him!
Call the local poilce or state troopers.
Report them
Call the police or the SPCA. That is just cruel, unjustifiable behavior, and he should be stopped and punished. If you can get evidence you would be doing everyone a favor. Not to mention several studies have proved conclusively that people who hurt animals usually move on to humans next.
Sorry i don't believe you,if it was true there wouldn't be many dogs in his area left because hes killed them all..And i don't believe anyone would stay friends with someone like that.
