everything about your dogs

What do you think about my dogs name"Magyk"?

He is a labrador retriever puppy that is really cute. His name is pronounced Magic
I love it! It's so cool when people give their dogs unique names U know? Like everybody names their dogs Buster or Buddy. That's so boring. I named my Golden Retriver "Hydro". At first, everybody thought I named him after weed. LMFAO! Really I got the name from Hydro- the element of water. I read Goldens love to swim and are perfect hunters on water and land.
Sounds nice.
I think you are 12 years old.
cute I like it :) and I like the way it's written.
i think it is very original;cool
I have seen a horses name spelt like that. I think it is really cool!!
I think you, like most other people your age, are trying WAY too hard to be original. What's wrong with Sam or some *?
Meh, I don't like the name too much but if you like it then it doesn't matter if anyone else does.
i like it. my dog is a peek-a-poo and her name is zoey. it fits her a little too well.
i call my dog sh*thead
oh magic sorry it thought it said maggot, but i must ask you this.Do you believe in magyk
Should have named him Anakin
Que nombre mas IDIOTA!
PS. ten cuidado conmigo hablo 8 idiomas.
