everything about your dogs

What do you think it is that makes pugs so cute? Or ugly? What funny noises does your pug make??

I know my pug grunts and snorts, a makes a wierd trilling sound when you hold your hand over his head.
mine grunts and snorts and sniffles and snufles but the she also makes a kind of slurping, grinding sounds because she grinds her teeth. oh, and have you ever seen the old three stooges movies? when she snores she sucks in the normal snorey way, but when she let's it out, she sounds like a sputtering motorboat!
Their personality. Babysat a pug for a while. Thought she was ugly at first glance but quickly she grew on me. Now I think the little critters are adorable. This pug would pant like crazy and made a kind of ssssing sound as she shivered (it was summertime so she wasn't cold). She snorted too, especially as she was napping.
